Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Super Sore

I am sore, sore, sore. That 30/15 workout is tough. Luckily, all I have on the schedule today is some stretching. One hour of stretching. I use the X Stretch taken from the P90X routine. It was just what I needed. Some of the moves were painful due to the soreness, but I had to work it out.


No need for a ton of calories today.

Calories – 1600

Carbs – 190g (%)
Protein – 145g (%)
Fat – 40g (%)

In good health,

Monday, March 30, 2009


Today’s workout was truly going to be a challenge. A big double and I am looking at about 3 hours of total workout time. The wife has been gone all weekend, so I needed to readjust my schedule. I wouldn’t be able to do my first workout until I put the baby down for a nap. The second one would have to wait until she got home.

AM Workout

My second 30/15 routine followed by Killer Abs. Both of these are taken from Tony’s 1-on-1 series. You are looking at about an hour and a half of total workout time. First, the 30/15 routine. This one is pure evil. It was just as hard as the first time I did it. Halfway through, I couldn’t wait for it to be over. At the same time, I wanted more. Arms burning, back shredded, chest begging for a break. It doesn’t get any better. My numbers were better than last week. I ended with 295 push-ups and 176 pull-ups. The ratio came out to be about 24/14. I am going to be hurting pretty bad tomorrow.

Next was the Killer Abs. No problems here. 490 reps in about 20 minutes.

PM Workout

30 miles on the bike. Due to the snow, I was forced to do this one on the trainer. I finished at 22mph average speed. There was nothing special here. Just straight, consistent riding. I switched gears every 6 miles to get progressively more challenging. I was in the big chain ring throughout the workout. Point Break playing on the tv made the workout go by somewhat faster.


Calories – 2200

Carbs – 190g (41%)
Protein – 200g (44%)
Fat – 70g (15%)

In good health,

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Paying The Piper

Today was tough. After a previous night of grilling, wine and Belgian beers with a friend, I awoke to feeling like absolute crap. It was a long day with the kids. My wife is gone for the weekend, so it was all me. I will not make this mistake again. I did not workout until 9:30pm and I didn’t eat much throughout the day. Everything I took in was just about burnt up on my run.


7-mile run, 8-minute miles.

In a word, brutal. It was tough and I really wasn’t up for it. I pushed through after many thoughts of just stopping. I brought it on myself and that is no excuse not to get my workout in. It is a nice reminder of what not to do.


Calories were low today.

Calories – 1500

Carbs – 189g (57%)
Protein – 100g (30%)
Fat – 42g (13%)

In good health,

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Swim Bike Repeat

Today is my last double of the week. I am looking forward to a day off on Monday.

AM Workout

40 minutes of intervals on the bike. I felt very tired on this ride. I need more carbs in my system. After the workout, I had an English muffin and felt much better. Anyway, I did work up a good sweat on the bike.

PM Workout

1 mile of straight laps in the pool. I started off great, but my shoulders and chest were really hurting when I was finished.

I think a lot of this has to do with taking the prior week off.


Calories – 2900

Carbs – 247g (40%)
Protein – 281g (46%)
Fat – 86g (14%)

In good health,

Friday, March 27, 2009


I think I am going to need to pick up the carb intake. It looks like I am getting a lot, but I am only getting 1.5 servings (bread, pasta, rice). My workouts have felt sluggish and my energy has been low. I am going to keep this pace up for the next two weeks and then I am going to up the carbs to two servings.


Today was my first Tony 1-on-1 yoga and I must say I am much happier with the time. It is only 45 minutes. It goes through a vinyasa sequence, abs and then some stretching. It felt great.

Before yoga, I practiced some kettlebell exercises. I went through some swings, get-ups and cleans. I am still getting use to the moves, so I am going slow and taking my time.


Calories – 1500

Carbs – 137g (43%)
Protein – 139g (44%)
Fat – 42g (13%)

In good health,

Tony's 1-on-1 Thirty Fifteen Overview

This was easily one of THE hardest workouts I have ever done. It is about 65 minutes in length. You are looking at 24 sets of push-ups and pull-ups. I was sore for over a week the first time I did it. It is a repeat workout. You have 6 different push-up/pull-up exercises performed twice. The goal is 30 push-ups for each set followed by 15 pull-ups.

The Exercises:

Standard Push-up (sets 1 & 3)
Wide Grip Pull-up (sets 2 & 4)
Military Push-up (sets 5 & 7)
Lever Pull-up (sets 6 & 8)
Wide Push-up (sets 9 & 11)
Navy Seal Pull-up (sets 10 & 12)
Close Grip Push-up (sets 13 & 15)
Chin-up (sets 14 & 16)
Staggered Hand Push-up (sets 17 & 19)
Switch Grip Pull-up (sets 18 & 20)
Standard to Military Push-up (sets 21 & 23)
Opposite Hands Pull-up (sets 22 & 24)

In good health,

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Time For Some Arms

I am feeling pretty good today. Surprisingly my legs are not shot from yesterday’s double pounding. My chest is still pretty sore from Sunday’s workout. I am hoping it is fully recovered by my next 30/15 on Sunday. This morning’s workout went pretty smooth, no interruptions.


Today was Just Arms followed by Killer Abs. Both of these workouts are taken from Tony’s 1-on-1 series.

I tried to lift as heavy as possible. I feel like I am really increasing my strength. I added some shoulder exercises to the workout to make it a total shoulder and arms routine.

Killer Abs was next. 480 reps for the abs is always pure joy.


Calories were a little high. I went to a late night concert, which meant a little late night food when I got home. Most of my fat was from almonds, peanut butter and hazelnuts.

Calories – 2500

Carbs – 255g (47%)
Protein – 187g (35%)
Fat – 99g (18%)

In good health,

Tony's 1-on-1 Just Arms Overview

This is a 45 minute workout that just targets your arms. Biceps, triceps and forearms are the only thing touched during this one. It is just straight weightlifting. Same thing goes as with my other workouts 8-10 for size, 12-15 for lean. It is a repeat workout for a total of 24 sets.

The Exercises:

1) Seated Curls (sets 1 & 4)
2) Forearm Curls (sets 2 & 5)
3) Skull Crushers (sets 3 & 6)
4) Incline Curls (sets 7 & 10)
5) Reverse Forearm Curls (sets 8 & 11)
6) One-Arm Kickbacks (sets 9 & 12)
7) Twenty-One’s (sets 13 & 16)
8) Forearm Combo (sets 14 & 17)
9) Side Tri Rise (sets 15 & 18)
10) Crazy 8’s (sets 19 & 22)
11) 2x Forearms (sets 20 & 23)
12) Overhead Tri Extensions (sets 21 & 24)

In good health,

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Two-fer

Today was the day to pound the legs. I am still feeling Sunday’s workout. My chest back and arms are very sore. My legs are a little tight from the 20 mile ride. I really should have stretched yesterday. My workouts went smooth yesterday. There was no interference from the kids.

AM Workout

This morning’s workout was Plyometrics from P90X. This one is about an hour in length. This one is always tough first thing in the morning. The coffee hadn’t kicked in yet and I really was not in the mood to do any sort of jumping. My first set was very sluggish. The next set was better and so on. I finally found my groove or maybe the coffee started working. Either way, I finished strong.

PM Workout

3 mile speed intervals. This was my first speed interval workout of the year, so I wanted to take it slow. I set my initial pace to 8 minute miles. After a 5 minute warm-up, I got to work. I only increased the speed interval to 7 minute miles. I didn’t want to come out to fast and risk injury. Too much too soon is never a good thing. So I ended up doing 1 minute intervals with a 2 minute recover for the first 2 miles. The final mile was 1 minute intervals with a 1.5 minute recovery. I felt good and I know I could have pushed it a little more, but I want to slowly build. There is also the early morning plyo factor.


Calories – 2300

Carbs – 252g (49%)
Protein – 203g (39%)
Fat – 60g (12%)

In good health,

P90X+ Intervals Overview

I love interval workouts. This one is great. You perform each exercise at 3 different speeds. First, nice and easy. Then you pick up the intensity. Finally, you go all out. This workout is about 40 minutes in length. You have 15 exercises that are repeated. It moves quick. There is only one break that lasts about a minute. My heart rate is always pretty high by the time this one is done.

The Exercises:

1) Run in Place
2) Knee Kick, Front Kick
3) Hop Squats
4) Charleston Kick
5) Loading Dock
6) Jockey Squats
7) Tires
8) Speed Skaters
9) 3 count push ups
10) 80/20 squats
11) Side Lunge, Side Kick
12) Deep Jack Seats
13) Plyo Lunge
14) Jacks
15) Carlito 3-way Push ups

In good health,

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

P90X+ Total Body Overview

This one hits it all. 45 minutes with one break. There are a lot of combination moves. This routine is all about time and not reps. You need to pick a weight that allows you to perform the exercise in the time frame they give. You still need to make sure that last few reps are tough. There is a warm-up and cool down. The warm-up is 10 minutes and includes push-ups, squats, etc.

The Exercises:

1) O Crunch Push-ups
2) Pull Up Crunch
3) Deadlift Curl Press
4) Step Kickback Chair
5) Sumo Chair
6) Chuck-up X (3 push up positions)
7) Cling on Run (pull ups with running motion at top)
8) Lunge press w/bella twist
9) Balance Curl
10) Running Man
11) Hindo Pike Push-ups
12) Lunge/Squat/lunge
13) Mr Moon
14) Kid Play (push up into a tricep dip)
15) 3 & 3 (3 Squats, 3 push ups, 3 pull ups)
16) Half Dervish (standing core twist weights)
17) Weighted Warrior
18) 1 & 1 (1 push up, 1 pull up)
19) Lara Lunge Crunch
20) Spiderman Jumps (push up, stand, jump)
21) Plyo Push-ups

In good health,

The Morning After

I woke up today sore as hell. I should have stretched, but after a late night concert, that wasn’t going to happen. There is not much to talk about today other then my diet. Tomorrow is a double. Plyometrics in the morning and a 3-mile speed interval run in the evening.


Calories – 1600

Carbs – 141
Protein – 131
Fat – 66

In good health,

Monday, March 23, 2009

Back With A Vengeance

Today was a tough one. My first day back after a week off and I just wasn’t in the mood. I got out of bed anyway. Today was a double and I know I am going to be sore for a while. There was kid interference all over the place today. I needed to take a couple of breaks on the bike and one break during abs. Whatever, it is something we all struggle with.

AM Workout

Tony’s 1-on-1 30/15 routine. 65 minutes in length. This one was easily one of the toughest workouts I have ever done. The workout is simple in nature, 30 push-ups followed by 15 pull-ups. There are 24 total sets. My ratio ended up being 24/13, which I was happy with. 285 push-ups. 158 pull-ups.

I felt so sick to my stomach when I was finished that I had to move my ab workout until after my lunchtime workout.

Luckily I only have to do this workout two more times before my routine switches. Ouch!

PM Workout

20 miles on the bike. I was planning on going outside, but the wife had to go to work. I jumped on the trainer and about 5 miles into it the baby woke up. I jumped off the bike, got her some lunch, changed the diaper and jumped back on the bike. At about mile 14, I was beckoned again. Jumped off the bike, put a movie on for the kids and then, back on the bike.

Next up was Tony’s 1-on-1 Killer Abs. 20 minutes. You perform 21 exercises for a total of 490 reps. I haven’t done this one in a while. My abs will be hurting come morning.


2,100 calories

Carbs - 218g(47%)
Protein - 185g(40%)
Fat – 58g(13%)

In good health,

P90X+ Upper Body Overview

This is an excellent upper body routine. 40 minutes with a couple of very short (30 seconds) break. This routine is all about time and not reps. You need to pick a weight that allows you to perform the exercise in the time frame they give. You still need to make sure that last few reps are tough. There is a warm-up and cool down. Your arms will be shot by the time you are done.

The Exercises:

1) Double Dip Will Do Ya (2 push-ups into 2 dips)
2) Dead Leg Switch Pull-ups
3) Two Direction Circle Flys
4) Lunge Curls
5) Hammer Kkickback
6) Frog Push-up
7) L Chin-up
8) Fly Blast / "The Blaster"
9) Lean Back Curls
10) One legged bridge dip
11) Spiderman Push-ups
12) 7 point Pull-ups
13) Warrior Swim
14) Pumper Curl
15) Side Hammer Kick
16) Iso Climber Push-ups
17) Clear to Negative Pull-ups
18) The Shoulder Everything
19) The Bicep Everything
20) Combat Push-ups

In good health,

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Off Week Is Over!

Well, I almost made it a whole week without working out. I had to get out for a run, which led to a little kettlebell work. The run was 5 miles at a 7:38 pace. The kettlebell routine was some double and single hand swings followed by full Turkish get-ups. Tomorrow, things get back to normal. I will continue to periodically post an overview of the P90X workouts I do.

In good helath,

Saturday, March 21, 2009

P90X Back and Biceps Overview

Another killer no repeat workout. You beat the poop out of your biceps here. This makes doing the pull-ups extra tough. The corn-cobs are a monster. Once again, there are always ways to modify. Use the weight that allows for 8-10 reps(size) or 12-15 reps(lean). For both, the last 3 reps should be tough.

The Exercises:

1) Wide front pull-ups
2) Lawnmowers
3) Twenty-ones
4) One-arm cross-body curl
5) Switch grip pull-up
6) Elbows-out lawnmower
7) Standing bicep curl
8) One-arm concentration curl
9) Corn cob pull-up
10) Reverse grip bent-over row
11) Open-arm curl
12) Static arm curl
13) Towel pull-up
14) Congdon locomotive
15) Crouching Cohen curl
16) One-arm corkscrew curl
17) Chin-up
18) Seated bent-0ver back fly
19) Curl-up/Hammer down
20) Hammer curl
21) Max rep pull-up
22) Supermans
23) In-out hammer curls
24) Strip-set curl

In good health,

P90X Chest, Shoulders and Tri's Overview

This one crushes me every time. My arms are done by the time I get to the last set of pushups. The workout time is about an hour. It moves quickly. The Plyo and one-arm push-ups are tough, but there are ways to modify them. As far as the weight to use, use the weight that allows for 8-10 reps(size) or 12-15 reps(lean). For both, the last 3 reps should be tough.

The Exercises:

1) Slow Motion Pushups
2) In and Out Shoulder Fly
3) Chair Dips
4) Plange Pushups
5) Pike
6) Side Triceps Rise
7) Floor Flys Push-ups
8) Scarecrows
9) Overhead Tricep Extensions
10) Two speed Pushups (4 fast, 3 slow)
11) Y Shoulder Press
12) Lying Triceps Extension
13) Side to Side Pushup
14) Pour Flys for Shoulders
15) Tricep Extensions
16) One Arm Pushups
17) Weighted Shoulder Circles
18) Throw the Bomb
19) Plyo or Clap Pushups
20) Slow Mo Throw
21) Tricep Extension
22) One Arm Balance Pushups
23) Fly Row Press
24) Dumbell Cross Body Blows

In good health,

Friday, March 20, 2009

P90X X Stretch Overview

You are looking at about an hour of great stretches.

The Stretches:

1) Sun Salutations
2) Neck Stretch
3) Back Up the Car
4) Head Rolls
5) Expand/Contract Back Chest Shoulder Stretch
6) Topas Shoulder Stretch
7) Wrist-Forearm Flexors
8) Forearm Stretch
9) Seated Spinal Stretch
10) Cat Stretch
11) Glute Stretch
12) Arm Circles
13) Shoulder-Tricep Combo Stretch
14) 30 Seconds Ballistic Stretches
15) Wide-Feet Forward Hamstring Stretch
16) Side Stretch
17) Camel
18) Standing Side Stretch
19) Rollers
20) Shoulder Stand to Plough
21) Back Hero
22) Kenpo Quad Stretch
23) Bow Pose
24) Low Squat
25) Frog
26) Seated Single-Leg Hamstring
27) Seated Two-Leg Stretch
28) Ballistic Hamstring
29) Standing Split Leg Hamstring
30) Toe Flexor
31) Downward Dog with Calf Stretches
32) Upward Dog with Ankle Stretch
33) Child's Pose with Side Stretches

In good health,

P90X Core Synergistics Overview

Another one of my favorites. This one hits everything and emphasizes the core. A lot of combination moves. Not many breaks, it moves very fast. There is a warm-up in the beginning and a cool down at the end. Total workout time is about an hour.

The Exercises:

1) Stacked foot/Staggered Hands Pushup
2) Banana Roll
3) Leaning Crescent Lunges
4) Squat Run
5) Sphinx Pushups
6) Bow to Boat
7) Plank to Chatarunga Run
8) Walking Pushups
9) Superman/Banana
10) Low Lateral Skaters
11) Lunge and Reach
12) Lunge-Kickback-Curl and Press
13) Reach High and Under Pushups
14) Prison Cell Pushup
15) Side Hip
16) Squat X Press
17) Steam
18) Dreya Roll
19) Plank to Chaturanga
20) Halfback
21) Table Dip/Leg Raise

In good health,

P90X+ Abs/Core Plus Overview

Another great ab routine. About 20 minutes in length. You hang, you stand, you plank and you sit.

The Exercises:

1) Hanging toe tap knee raises
2) Tip-Toe Crunch
3) Scorpion Plank w/twist
4) Spread leg, banana cannonball
5) Hanging up and overs
6) Discus Thrower
7) Warrior Bow
8) Scissor Climber
9) Hanging knee kick
10) Wood chopper
11) Downdog crunch
12) Banana mason
13) Mixed Bike
14) X Crunch
15) Plange sphinx to plank
16) Weighted seated back stroke
17) Hanging pelvic tilt
18) Straight leg X Crunch
19) 360 Chatarunga
20) Cherry Bomb

In good health,

P90X Ab Ripper X Overview

A great ab routine. 11 exercises, 25 reps each. You are looking at about 349 reps in 16 minutes.

After doing this a few times during the week you will definitely feel it.

The Exercises:
1) In and Outs
2) Bicycle
3) Reverse Bicycle
4) Crunchy Frog
5) Scissors
6) Hip Rock and Raise
7) Pulse-ups
8) V-up roll ups
9) Obliques Crunch
10) Leg Climbers
11) Mason Twist-Oblique twists in a seated position with the legs off the ground

In good health,

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tony's 1-on-1 Plyo Legs w/Pull-ups Overview

Let me start by saying that I alter this workout. Actually, I just add to it. At certain times in the video, there is a long enough break for me to get in a set of pull-ups, 8 sets overall. I take the pull-ups used in the P90X Legs and Back workout and add them to this one. This makes it one hell of a workout for me. I love it and am usually ready to vomit by the time I am done.

The workout is about an hour in length. You do some quick stretches in the beginning. I add to the stretching to loosen up my back, shoulders and arms for the pull-ups. The workout is a like a cross between Plyo X and Legs and Back, both from the P90X series. You perform a ton of reps here and use a medicine ball on a few of the moves. You do 20 sets and with my added pull-ups, it brings it to a total of 28.

The Exercises:

1) Calf Raise squats with legs open
2) Run Stand Squat
3) Reverse grip chin-up
4) Superskater
5) Sidelong Jump
6) Wide front pull-up
7) Wall Squat
8) Mary Katherine with medicine arc overhead
9) Groucho Walk
10) Closed grip overhand pull-up
11) Run stance squat switch
12) Deadlift squat
13) Switch grip pull-up
14) Leapfrog squat (w/medicine ball)
15) Chair Salutation
16) Reverse grip chin-up
17) 4 Corners
18) Single Leg Wall Squat
19) Wide front pull-up
20) Tires
21) Rolling Isolunge
22) Closed grip overhand pull-up
23) Squat Jack
24) Slide squat reach
25) Switch grip pull-up
26) Run stance jump switch
27) One legged speed squat
28) Eagan Brother (jumping side-to-side, picture skiing)

In good health,

P90X Legs and Back Overview

This is a workout that combines leg exercises and pull-ups for a workout that leaves me sore every time. I use weights whenever possible during the leg exercises. There are moves that developed balance, coordination, stamina, and flexibility.

The leg moves are pretty much squats and lunges mixed with some calf raises. For the back, its all pull-ups.

There is a warm up in the beginning and a cool down at the end.

The exercises:

1) Balance Lunge
2) Calf Raise Squat
3) Reverse Grip Chin Up
4) Super Skater
5) Wall Squat
6) Wide Front Pull Up
7) Step Back Lunge
8) Alternating Side Lunge
9) Closed Grip Overhand Pull up
10) Single Leg Wall Squat
11) Deadlift Squat
12) Switch Grip Pull up
13) Three Way Lunge with Two Kick
14) Sneaky Lunge
15) Reverse Grip Chin Up
16) Chair Salutations
17) Toe Roll Lunge
18) Wide Front Pull Up
19) Groucho Walk
20) Calf Raises
21) Closed Grip Overhand Pull Up
22) 80/20 Cyber Speed Squat
23) Switch Grip Pull Ups

In good health,

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

P90X Shoulders and Arms Overview

This is a great workout for the arms and shoulders. You choose a weight that will allow you to complete 8-10 reps (building mass) or a weight that allows for 12-15 reps (definition). This is a repeat workout. The workout is broken up into sets of 3. You hit shoulders, bi’s, tri’s and then repeat that group. After that, you move on to the next set of three. You perform a total of 30 sets.

The Exercises:

Group 1
1) Alternating Shoulder Press
2) In and Out Bicep Curls
3) Two Arm Tricep Kickback

Group 2
4) Deep Swimmer's Press
5) Full Supination Concentration Curl
6) Chair Dip

Group 3
7) Upright Row
8) Static Arm Curl
9) Flip Grip Twist Tricep Kickback

Group 4
10) Seated Two Angle Shoulder Fly
11) Crouching Cohen Curl (I use the wall)
12) Lying Down Tricep Extension

Group 5 (bonus round)
13) In and Out Straight Arm Shoulder Fly
14) Congdon Curl
15) Side Tri Rise

In good health,

P90x Yoga X Overview

This is a long power-yoga video. You are looking at a total time of an hour and a half. The first 40-45 minutes are tough. I do believe that yoga has helped keep me injury free, as well as increase my flexibility. I do yoga once a week.I do not feel this is a beginner's yoga workout and, in my opinion, a lot of the moves are advanced. That being said, after a few sessions, you will become more comfortable with the moves. Also, there are always ways to modify.

Here are the moves/sequence of the workout.

Warm-up: 5 breaths in mountain pose, wide leg hamstring stretch with torso twist, split leg hamstring stretch, standing side stretch, astanga sun salutations (3)

Moving Asana portion (Vinyasa, a lot of them, between each of these exercises): Runners pose, crescent pose, warrior one, warrior two, reverse warrior, triangle pose, twisting triangle pose, chair pose, twisting chair pose, downward dog with leg raise, right angle pose, extended right angle pose and grab (this is a pain), prayer twist, side arm balance, warrior 3, standing splits, half moon, twisting half moon

Like I said, there are lots and lots of vinyasa’s.

Balancing postures: Tree, royal dancer, standing leg extensions, crane, seated spinal stretch, cat stretch, frog, bridge or wheel, plough to shoulder stand, table, cobbler pose, one legged hamstring stretch, two legged hamstring stretch

Yoga Belly 7 (abs): Touch the sky, boat, half boat, open scissors, torso twist hold, deep torso twist hold, touch the sky - 3 parts

Stretch/Cool down: Side twist, glute stretch, happy baby, child’s pose, corpse, fetus pose, lotus pose

This is a tough workout and the length makes it tougher, but I think the positives of yoga make it worth it.

In good health,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

P90X Plyometrics Overview


This routine is very high impact. The exercises are group into rounds and each round is repeated. Basically, you do each round twice. Each group has 4 exercises. The first three exercises are 30 seconds in length and the last is 1 minute. There is a bonus round. This round consists of three exercises that are a minute each. There is also a warm-up in the beginning and a cool down at the end.

The exercises:

1) Jump squat, run stance squat, airborne heisman, swing kick

2) Squat reach jump, run stance squats, double airborne heisman, circle run

3) Jump knee tuck. jumping lunge, leapfrog squat, twist combo

4) Rock star hop, gap jump, squat jack, military march

5) Run squat with 180 jump, lateral leapfrog, monster truck tire, hot foot

6) Bonus round: pitch & catch, jump shot, football

This is one of my favorites. Since I started doing this routine, I am running faster and biking stronger. My times in these disciplines have showed excellent improvement.

In good health,

P90X Chest and Back Overview

Chest and Back

This is a great workout and very tough. There are a lot of pull-ups and push-ups. You are looking at about an hour of time to complete this workout. You go through 2 rounds of 12 exercises. You go through a great warm-up before you start the workout. You also have a nice cool down/stretch at the end. There are many ways to modify this workout to make it less challenging. There are a few breaks, but they are only about 30 seconds and every 4th exercise. Things move very quickly.

They key here is to make sure you are challenged on your last 3 reps of either 8-10 reps (for building mass) or 12-15 (for definition).

The exercises:

Standard Pushups – Sets 1 and 14

Wide Front Pull-ups – Sets 2 and 13

Military Pushups – Sets 3 and 16

Reverse Grip Chin-up – Sets 4 and 15

Wide-fly Pushup – Sets 5 and 18

Closed Grip Overhand Pull-up – Sets 6 and 17

Decline Pushups – Sets 7 and 20

Heavy Pants (bent over rows) – Sets 8 and 19

Diamond Pushups – Sets 9 and 22

Lawnmowers (one arm rows) – Sets 10 and 21

Dive-Bomber Pushups – Sets 11 and 24

Bent Over Back Flys – Sets 12 and 23

A great workout!

In good health,

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Off Week Is Here

Great weather still. I was able to get the kids out for some running and biking.

I have no workout to speak of. Over the next, I think I am going to go into better descriptions of the P90X workouts I do. This will make it easier to reference later.

I may do Yoga X tomorrow since I skipped it over the weekend.

I don’t think I am going to post my diet this week. It is going to be low carb/high protein. Without any exercise, it is going to come in right at about 2,000 calories. My ratios will be 50% protein, 40% carbs, 10% fat.

In good health,

Sunday, March 15, 2009

An Outdoor Run!

What a perfect day to get outside. It was suppose to be a relaxing end to a recovery week, but I couldn’t refuse. Work has been very busy, so my time has been limited.


Today was an outdoor 8 mile run. The weather was right around 50 degrees which made it perfect. I felt like I was running on air for a while. I think it was due to my overwhelming happiness of being outdoors. A bad cramp soon caught up to me, my fault for not taking in enough fluids for the day. I ran through it and finished strong.

Time - 1:00:51
Pace - 7:36 minute miles


2,100 calories

Carbs - 236g(60%)
Protein - 86g(22%)
Fat – 70g(18%)

In good health,

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Long Day

I have been super busy at work, so it is a good thing today was a stretch day. The weather is supposed to be great this weekend. I may need to get a run in.


X Stretch from the P90X routine. 55 minutes in length.


Calories – 2,700

Carbs – 256g(49%)
Protein – 187g(36%)
Fat – 80g(15%)

In good health,

Friday, March 13, 2009

Almost There!

Woo-hoo! All my tough workouts are done for the week. All I have left is yoga and stretching.


Today was Just Arms from Tony’s 1-on-1 series. I followed that with some kettlebell swings and get-ups. Damn those get-ups are hard.

Just Arms is just that, arms. No shoulders. No chest. Nothing but arms. You go from bi’s to forearms to tri’s. 8 sets per group for a total of 24 sets. You do some great exercises like side-tri rise, lean back curls and the forearm sandwich. My forearms were on fire.

Then I moved into a set of kettlebell swings, followed by a couple sets of kettlebell get-ups. I will talk more about the kettlebell next week.


Calories – 2,200

Carbs – 227g(47%)
Protein – 178g(37%)
Fat – 74g(16%)

In good health,

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Wednesday Dip

What a rare treat! No double workout on the day I work from home. That means a little extra sleep, which is nice. Errrr, wrong. In the middle of the night, my daughter asks if she can come sleep in our bed. I say fine, but then she starts coughing. I go back to her room and lay down with her. Next thing I know is it is 7:15 in the morning and I have had a crappy nights sleep. Oh well. The work day started at 7:30 and was busy from the get go. I didn’t know if I would be able to fit my workout in, but I was able to. I ended up working until 8pm. I ended the evening with 1.5oz. of Oban single malt scotch. That was nice.


Today was a mile and a half in the pool, non stop laps. I started off with some goggle issues, but then soon got into a rhythm. My stroke felt good. With about 5 laps to go, everything started falling apart. I lost my breathing and my pull felt weak. I was beat.

I collected myself and got my breathing back, but my left arm continued to drop on my pull.

When I got out of the pool I was wobbly and felt a little nauseated. Overall it was a great workout. The kind that required food immediately.


This week is still progressing along great.

Calories – 2,000

Carbs – 153g(37%)
Protein – 196g(48%)
Fat – 64g(15%)

In good health,

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I still feeling kind of drained. Only a couple more tough workouts and it is a week off.


I was on the bike today. One hour of sweat pouring intervals. To get a better understanding of my bike interval workout, check out my previous blog.

I really went all out today. My legs felt ok, but knowing I was going to have a week off, I pushed myself. My max speed was 37mph and average of 24mph.


My diet is still going good for the week.

Calories – 1,800

Carbs – 210g (50%)
Protein – 170g (40%)
Fat – 43g (10%)

In good health,

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Core, Core Baby!

I have to say that the time change is really benefiting my early morning workouts. The kids are sleeping much later and so is the wife. I am in the shower by the time one of them gets up. My diet is back on track, but my body is in desperate need of a week off. It is a coming…


55 minutes of Core Synergistics from P90X. For more info on Core Synergistics, look at my previous blog.

The push-ups and lunges were tough. I though I was recovered from last Thursday’s Legs and Back Workout, but I guess not. Overall, it was a great workout and my form was perfect on all exercises. This will be my last Core Synergistic workout for some time.


My diet has been really good the past couple of days. I made a switch to have a protein shake in the morning for breakfast. I am going to keep this up for 4 weeks. My lunch will be protein oatmeal or protein cereal. I needed to switch things around and find a combination that works for me. My fat was a little high due to salmon and nuts.

Calories – 2,200

Carbs – 239g(47%)
Protein – 186g(36%)
Fat – 88g(17%)

In good health,

Monday, March 9, 2009

Recover and Off

Today is the start of my recovery week. I am really looking forward to having all of next week off. I might go for a light swim, but other than stretching, that will be it. I am looking forward to some warmer weather. I would like to get outside and do some of my workouts.


Today was my longest run of ’09.

7 miles, 55:30, 7:55 minutes miles

The first three miles were tough. My legs felt like lead. I didn’t feel comfortable in my run until about the 4.5 mile mark. These days happen. Not every run is going to be perfect. I still feel good about where I am this early in the season.


DietCalories – 2,100

Carbs - 238g(64%)
Protein - 94g(25%)
Fat - 42g(11%)

In good health,

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Definitely In Need Of…

A good stretch and that is what I got today. Everything ached, so this came right on time. I am getting ready to enter my recovery week.

Here is what my schedule is going to look like.

Sunday - 7 mile run

Monday - Core Synergistics

Tuesday - Bike 60 minute Intervals

Wednesday - Swim 45 minutes

Thursday - 1-on-1 Just Arms

Friday - Yoga X

Saturday - X Stretch


Calories – 2,200

Carbs - 194g(47%)
Protein - 143g(36%)
Fat - 70g(17%)

In good health,

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Day After

Bottom line, I still feel like crap. Everything hurts. My back and abs intermittent contractions. I knew I had to get up early to do bike intervals. I self medicated the night before with a Jack Daniels on the rocks and had one of the best nights sleep in a long time. I know I will be feeling this way for a couple of days.


60 minute of bike intervals. My shirt was soaked by the time I was finished. I reached a max speed of 35mph and averaged 24.3mph. It was another tough workout. I filled my bike bottle with coffee. I needed it on this one


I am still pushing the protein. I was starving today.

Calories – 3,200

Carbs - 318g(49%)
Protein - 234g(36%)
Fat - 94g(15%)

In good health,

Friday, March 6, 2009


Today was the day to see if I would be able to get to 170 pull-ups. It was also a double workout day. I woke up and knew immediately I wasn’t going to be at my best. My body was sore and I had a slight sinus headache. The good news is that my youngest daughter has been sleeping longer. This means I can get through my morning workouts without interference. The bid issue is going to be when she stops taking afternoon naps. That will throw a wrench into my midday workouts.

AM Workout

A 3 mile run, 23:30, 7:50 minute mile. Pace was great, but all I had on my mind was the afternoon workout and would I get 170.

PM Workout

Legs & Back followed by Killer Abs. My total workout time was about an hour and a half.

Lets start with the leg portion first. This took up about 50 minutes of the workout time. There are lots of squats and lunges. Mix this some calf raises and wall squats and you have a hell of a leg burner. You easily go over 400 reps with the squats and lunges. I used 20 pound dumbbells whenever the exercise called for weights. My legs were wobbly by the time I was finished.

Now for the pull-ups, each set came in after two sets of legs. I came out quick. A set of 24 reverse grip. I followed that with a set of 18 wide grip. This is when it became apparent that this was not going to be an easy task. My arms were getting fatigued and I knew that mental toughness would soon come into play. Next, I kicked out a set of 23 close grip overhands followed by a set of 22 switch grip pull-ups. I was really starting to feel it here. Now all I had to do was repeat the sets and I was good. 23 reverse grip…18 wide grip…I was feeling it, but I knew I was only about 40 pull-ups away. My forearms were starting to burn, my biceps were killing me and the calluses on my hands were causing some slight discomfort. 23 close grip overhands in the bag. My arms are just about cashed. My wrists are starting to hurt now as well. One more set, 19 away. Now, knowing I was so close, I wanted to be better than 170. I wanted 175 no matter how painful it was. I took an extra minute break after my last set of legs and had at it. I got to 20, I had my 170, but I wanted more. Two more overhand…my biceps feel torn and my forearms are on fire. Just two more. I gave it everything I had and pumped out the last two.

I was so pumped when I got of the pull-up bar that I did a set of KB swings.

I followed this up with Tony’s 1-on-1 Killer Abs. 500 reps. My stomach was burning and I was very tired. I made it. I was finished with one hell of a workout.

I have to admit that I felt like absolute crap about an hour after the workout. Sometimes that happens. I knew I gave it my all. Now all I had to do was find the Motrin :-)


Calories – 3,000

Carbs - 259g(50%)
Protein - 182g(36%)
Fat - 73g(14%)

In good health,

Thursday, March 5, 2009

One Down, One To Go

This will be a very short blog. There is not much to write about today. I have one more yoga left before I switch routines. Tomorrow is the big day. Will I get 170 clean pull-ups?


Yoga X today from the P90X series. 90 minutes in length. I really needed it. I feel tight and sore after increasing the weights this week.

Check out my previous blog for more info on Yoga X.


DietI am really pumping the protein.

Calories - 2,800

Carbs - 299g(51%)
Protein - 232g(40%)
Fat - 53g(9%)

In good health,

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

B & B

A good sore is passing over my body. Knowing that next week is a “recovery week”, followed by a week off, I am really pushing myself. I want to be as strong as possible before my training shifts.


Back and Biceps, followed by Ab Ripper X. For more detail on these routines, check out my previous blog.

My intensity is at an all time high. I was at max weight for all my curls. I sacrificed form on a couple of the sets, which could have been bad, but it was only for the last couple of reps. The pull-ups were tough. I had to mentally prepare for each set. I was not able to just pound them out. I also did not want to kill myself on the pull-ups knowing I have my Legs and Back routine in a couple of days. My arms were dead by my final set of curls.

I did Ab Ripper X without the tape. I needed to speed things up a little because I was running late for work. I was still able to get all 349 reps out.


Protein anyone?

Calories - 2,700
Carbs - 230g(44%)
Protein - 214g(41%)
Fat - 84g(15%)

In good health,

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jump Around!

There is not much to discuss here today. After a week of a diet slump, I feel like I am back on track. I moved passed the loss of the contest. I feel more focused and ready to attack my workouts and diet. I am not saying there won’t be a potential bad meal each week, I am too much of a foodie for that, but it will definitely be back to normal intake.

I switched my workout to the evening today. I was in too good of a sleep and I knew the wife and kids would be gone until later in the evening.


Plyo! Plyo! Plyo! One of my favorites taken from the P90X routine, 55 minutes in length. For more detailed information check out my previous blog.

Working out at night definitely makes a difference. My energy level was high and it showed in my performance. I was jumping higher and farther. I felt like I was exploding on every move. The sweat was pouring off me and I felt great. This will be my last plyo for a few weeks, so I wanted to really push myself.


Diet is back on track, but I am noticing a little too much hunger after breakfast. I need to add an English muffin with some natural peanut butter and honey.

Calories - 1,900

Carbs - 204g(48%)
Protein - 163g(39%)
Fat - 57g(13%)

In good health,

Monday, March 2, 2009

Burning the Fondue

Today was a typical double. I needed to burn off a few extra calories from the night before. The wife and I were able to enjoy a nice fondue dinner and a bottle of wine with friends. It is so nice to have a nice evening out without having to worry about the kids. My run was finished before the kids were up and my second workout was done while Thing 2 was sleeping. Thing 1 joined me downstairs for my workout and drew me some excellent pictures to take to work.

AM Workout

This was a fall back week for me on the run, a 4 miler. My pace was good, 7:54 minute miles and I am slowly increasing the incline. I need to get ready for my hills once it gets warm out.

As I have said in the past, I am in the early build phase of my tri training. In a couple more weeks, my training will shift.

PM Workout

Chest, Shoulders & Tri’s/Ab Ripper X. Both workouts are taken from the P90X routine and, combined, come in at about 1 hour and 15 minutes. For a more detail on the workout, check out my double blog from early February.

What can I say, an absolute top notch workout. Arms were toast on just about every set of shoulders and tri’s. I increased the weight on all but two exercises. I pushed all my push-ups as well. This included 14 1 arm push-ups. Those of things get me pumped. My daughter kept asking me if I was ok due to my constant groaning.

I flew right through abs with out an issue.


Calories – 2700

Carbs - 243g (53%)
Protein – 147g (32%)
Fat – 65g (15%)

In good health,

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pretty Nice Little Saturday

I had a great week. Diet could have been a little better. I think I am still depressed about losing the MDB contest. At least thats what I am telling myself. My workouts were fantastic. I had my best pool session this year. My stroke is starting to fall into place. My running is right where it need to be. I really pushed the weights as high as I could go and added a little kettlebell work after my swim. I have 2 weeks left in my 19 week hybrid schedule(combo of P90X, P90X+, Tonys 1-on-1, running, biking, swimming).

This is the big week coming up for me. I really want to hit 170 clean pull-ups on Thursday.

This weeks schedule

Sunday - 4 mile run(A.M.)
Chest, Shoulder & Tri's/Ab Ripper X (P.M.)

Monday - Plyometrics (A.M.)

Tuesday - Back & Biceps/Ab Ripper X (A.M.)

Wednesday - Yoga X (A.M.)

Thursday - Legs & Back/Killer Abs (A.M.)
3 mile run (P.M.)

Friday - 60 minute bike intervals (A.M.)

Saturday - X Stretch


Not really a workout, just an hour of stretching. 60 minutes of the X Stretch from P90X.


Calories – 2600

Carbs – 218g (46%)
Protein – 161g (34%)
Fat – 99g (20%)

In good health,