Thursday, March 19, 2009

P90X Legs and Back Overview

This is a workout that combines leg exercises and pull-ups for a workout that leaves me sore every time. I use weights whenever possible during the leg exercises. There are moves that developed balance, coordination, stamina, and flexibility.

The leg moves are pretty much squats and lunges mixed with some calf raises. For the back, its all pull-ups.

There is a warm up in the beginning and a cool down at the end.

The exercises:

1) Balance Lunge
2) Calf Raise Squat
3) Reverse Grip Chin Up
4) Super Skater
5) Wall Squat
6) Wide Front Pull Up
7) Step Back Lunge
8) Alternating Side Lunge
9) Closed Grip Overhand Pull up
10) Single Leg Wall Squat
11) Deadlift Squat
12) Switch Grip Pull up
13) Three Way Lunge with Two Kick
14) Sneaky Lunge
15) Reverse Grip Chin Up
16) Chair Salutations
17) Toe Roll Lunge
18) Wide Front Pull Up
19) Groucho Walk
20) Calf Raises
21) Closed Grip Overhand Pull Up
22) 80/20 Cyber Speed Squat
23) Switch Grip Pull Ups

In good health,

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