Tuesday, March 24, 2009

P90X+ Total Body Overview

This one hits it all. 45 minutes with one break. There are a lot of combination moves. This routine is all about time and not reps. You need to pick a weight that allows you to perform the exercise in the time frame they give. You still need to make sure that last few reps are tough. There is a warm-up and cool down. The warm-up is 10 minutes and includes push-ups, squats, etc.

The Exercises:

1) O Crunch Push-ups
2) Pull Up Crunch
3) Deadlift Curl Press
4) Step Kickback Chair
5) Sumo Chair
6) Chuck-up X (3 push up positions)
7) Cling on Run (pull ups with running motion at top)
8) Lunge press w/bella twist
9) Balance Curl
10) Running Man
11) Hindo Pike Push-ups
12) Lunge/Squat/lunge
13) Mr Moon
14) Kid Play (push up into a tricep dip)
15) 3 & 3 (3 Squats, 3 push ups, 3 pull ups)
16) Half Dervish (standing core twist weights)
17) Weighted Warrior
18) 1 & 1 (1 push up, 1 pull up)
19) Lara Lunge Crunch
20) Spiderman Jumps (push up, stand, jump)
21) Plyo Push-ups

In good health,

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