Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jump Around!

There is not much to discuss here today. After a week of a diet slump, I feel like I am back on track. I moved passed the loss of the contest. I feel more focused and ready to attack my workouts and diet. I am not saying there won’t be a potential bad meal each week, I am too much of a foodie for that, but it will definitely be back to normal intake.

I switched my workout to the evening today. I was in too good of a sleep and I knew the wife and kids would be gone until later in the evening.


Plyo! Plyo! Plyo! One of my favorites taken from the P90X routine, 55 minutes in length. For more detailed information check out my previous blog.

Working out at night definitely makes a difference. My energy level was high and it showed in my performance. I was jumping higher and farther. I felt like I was exploding on every move. The sweat was pouring off me and I felt great. This will be my last plyo for a few weeks, so I wanted to really push myself.


Diet is back on track, but I am noticing a little too much hunger after breakfast. I need to add an English muffin with some natural peanut butter and honey.

Calories - 1,900

Carbs - 204g(48%)
Protein - 163g(39%)
Fat - 57g(13%)

In good health,

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