Monday, March 30, 2009


Today’s workout was truly going to be a challenge. A big double and I am looking at about 3 hours of total workout time. The wife has been gone all weekend, so I needed to readjust my schedule. I wouldn’t be able to do my first workout until I put the baby down for a nap. The second one would have to wait until she got home.

AM Workout

My second 30/15 routine followed by Killer Abs. Both of these are taken from Tony’s 1-on-1 series. You are looking at about an hour and a half of total workout time. First, the 30/15 routine. This one is pure evil. It was just as hard as the first time I did it. Halfway through, I couldn’t wait for it to be over. At the same time, I wanted more. Arms burning, back shredded, chest begging for a break. It doesn’t get any better. My numbers were better than last week. I ended with 295 push-ups and 176 pull-ups. The ratio came out to be about 24/14. I am going to be hurting pretty bad tomorrow.

Next was the Killer Abs. No problems here. 490 reps in about 20 minutes.

PM Workout

30 miles on the bike. Due to the snow, I was forced to do this one on the trainer. I finished at 22mph average speed. There was nothing special here. Just straight, consistent riding. I switched gears every 6 miles to get progressively more challenging. I was in the big chain ring throughout the workout. Point Break playing on the tv made the workout go by somewhat faster.


Calories – 2200

Carbs – 190g (41%)
Protein – 200g (44%)
Fat – 70g (15%)

In good health,

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