Wednesday, March 4, 2009

B & B

A good sore is passing over my body. Knowing that next week is a “recovery week”, followed by a week off, I am really pushing myself. I want to be as strong as possible before my training shifts.


Back and Biceps, followed by Ab Ripper X. For more detail on these routines, check out my previous blog.

My intensity is at an all time high. I was at max weight for all my curls. I sacrificed form on a couple of the sets, which could have been bad, but it was only for the last couple of reps. The pull-ups were tough. I had to mentally prepare for each set. I was not able to just pound them out. I also did not want to kill myself on the pull-ups knowing I have my Legs and Back routine in a couple of days. My arms were dead by my final set of curls.

I did Ab Ripper X without the tape. I needed to speed things up a little because I was running late for work. I was still able to get all 349 reps out.


Protein anyone?

Calories - 2,700
Carbs - 230g(44%)
Protein - 214g(41%)
Fat - 84g(15%)

In good health,

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