Monday, March 23, 2009

Back With A Vengeance

Today was a tough one. My first day back after a week off and I just wasn’t in the mood. I got out of bed anyway. Today was a double and I know I am going to be sore for a while. There was kid interference all over the place today. I needed to take a couple of breaks on the bike and one break during abs. Whatever, it is something we all struggle with.

AM Workout

Tony’s 1-on-1 30/15 routine. 65 minutes in length. This one was easily one of the toughest workouts I have ever done. The workout is simple in nature, 30 push-ups followed by 15 pull-ups. There are 24 total sets. My ratio ended up being 24/13, which I was happy with. 285 push-ups. 158 pull-ups.

I felt so sick to my stomach when I was finished that I had to move my ab workout until after my lunchtime workout.

Luckily I only have to do this workout two more times before my routine switches. Ouch!

PM Workout

20 miles on the bike. I was planning on going outside, but the wife had to go to work. I jumped on the trainer and about 5 miles into it the baby woke up. I jumped off the bike, got her some lunch, changed the diaper and jumped back on the bike. At about mile 14, I was beckoned again. Jumped off the bike, put a movie on for the kids and then, back on the bike.

Next up was Tony’s 1-on-1 Killer Abs. 20 minutes. You perform 21 exercises for a total of 490 reps. I haven’t done this one in a while. My abs will be hurting come morning.


2,100 calories

Carbs - 218g(47%)
Protein - 185g(40%)
Fat – 58g(13%)

In good health,

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