Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Two-fer

Today was the day to pound the legs. I am still feeling Sunday’s workout. My chest back and arms are very sore. My legs are a little tight from the 20 mile ride. I really should have stretched yesterday. My workouts went smooth yesterday. There was no interference from the kids.

AM Workout

This morning’s workout was Plyometrics from P90X. This one is about an hour in length. This one is always tough first thing in the morning. The coffee hadn’t kicked in yet and I really was not in the mood to do any sort of jumping. My first set was very sluggish. The next set was better and so on. I finally found my groove or maybe the coffee started working. Either way, I finished strong.

PM Workout

3 mile speed intervals. This was my first speed interval workout of the year, so I wanted to take it slow. I set my initial pace to 8 minute miles. After a 5 minute warm-up, I got to work. I only increased the speed interval to 7 minute miles. I didn’t want to come out to fast and risk injury. Too much too soon is never a good thing. So I ended up doing 1 minute intervals with a 2 minute recover for the first 2 miles. The final mile was 1 minute intervals with a 1.5 minute recovery. I felt good and I know I could have pushed it a little more, but I want to slowly build. There is also the early morning plyo factor.


Calories – 2300

Carbs – 252g (49%)
Protein – 203g (39%)
Fat – 60g (12%)

In good health,

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