Friday, March 20, 2009

P90X+ Abs/Core Plus Overview

Another great ab routine. About 20 minutes in length. You hang, you stand, you plank and you sit.

The Exercises:

1) Hanging toe tap knee raises
2) Tip-Toe Crunch
3) Scorpion Plank w/twist
4) Spread leg, banana cannonball
5) Hanging up and overs
6) Discus Thrower
7) Warrior Bow
8) Scissor Climber
9) Hanging knee kick
10) Wood chopper
11) Downdog crunch
12) Banana mason
13) Mixed Bike
14) X Crunch
15) Plange sphinx to plank
16) Weighted seated back stroke
17) Hanging pelvic tilt
18) Straight leg X Crunch
19) 360 Chatarunga
20) Cherry Bomb

In good health,

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