Wednesday, March 18, 2009

P90X Shoulders and Arms Overview

This is a great workout for the arms and shoulders. You choose a weight that will allow you to complete 8-10 reps (building mass) or a weight that allows for 12-15 reps (definition). This is a repeat workout. The workout is broken up into sets of 3. You hit shoulders, bi’s, tri’s and then repeat that group. After that, you move on to the next set of three. You perform a total of 30 sets.

The Exercises:

Group 1
1) Alternating Shoulder Press
2) In and Out Bicep Curls
3) Two Arm Tricep Kickback

Group 2
4) Deep Swimmer's Press
5) Full Supination Concentration Curl
6) Chair Dip

Group 3
7) Upright Row
8) Static Arm Curl
9) Flip Grip Twist Tricep Kickback

Group 4
10) Seated Two Angle Shoulder Fly
11) Crouching Cohen Curl (I use the wall)
12) Lying Down Tricep Extension

Group 5 (bonus round)
13) In and Out Straight Arm Shoulder Fly
14) Congdon Curl
15) Side Tri Rise

In good health,

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