Friday, March 6, 2009


Today was the day to see if I would be able to get to 170 pull-ups. It was also a double workout day. I woke up and knew immediately I wasn’t going to be at my best. My body was sore and I had a slight sinus headache. The good news is that my youngest daughter has been sleeping longer. This means I can get through my morning workouts without interference. The bid issue is going to be when she stops taking afternoon naps. That will throw a wrench into my midday workouts.

AM Workout

A 3 mile run, 23:30, 7:50 minute mile. Pace was great, but all I had on my mind was the afternoon workout and would I get 170.

PM Workout

Legs & Back followed by Killer Abs. My total workout time was about an hour and a half.

Lets start with the leg portion first. This took up about 50 minutes of the workout time. There are lots of squats and lunges. Mix this some calf raises and wall squats and you have a hell of a leg burner. You easily go over 400 reps with the squats and lunges. I used 20 pound dumbbells whenever the exercise called for weights. My legs were wobbly by the time I was finished.

Now for the pull-ups, each set came in after two sets of legs. I came out quick. A set of 24 reverse grip. I followed that with a set of 18 wide grip. This is when it became apparent that this was not going to be an easy task. My arms were getting fatigued and I knew that mental toughness would soon come into play. Next, I kicked out a set of 23 close grip overhands followed by a set of 22 switch grip pull-ups. I was really starting to feel it here. Now all I had to do was repeat the sets and I was good. 23 reverse grip…18 wide grip…I was feeling it, but I knew I was only about 40 pull-ups away. My forearms were starting to burn, my biceps were killing me and the calluses on my hands were causing some slight discomfort. 23 close grip overhands in the bag. My arms are just about cashed. My wrists are starting to hurt now as well. One more set, 19 away. Now, knowing I was so close, I wanted to be better than 170. I wanted 175 no matter how painful it was. I took an extra minute break after my last set of legs and had at it. I got to 20, I had my 170, but I wanted more. Two more overhand…my biceps feel torn and my forearms are on fire. Just two more. I gave it everything I had and pumped out the last two.

I was so pumped when I got of the pull-up bar that I did a set of KB swings.

I followed this up with Tony’s 1-on-1 Killer Abs. 500 reps. My stomach was burning and I was very tired. I made it. I was finished with one hell of a workout.

I have to admit that I felt like absolute crap about an hour after the workout. Sometimes that happens. I knew I gave it my all. Now all I had to do was find the Motrin :-)


Calories – 3,000

Carbs - 259g(50%)
Protein - 182g(36%)
Fat - 73g(14%)

In good health,

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