Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Core, Core Baby!

I have to say that the time change is really benefiting my early morning workouts. The kids are sleeping much later and so is the wife. I am in the shower by the time one of them gets up. My diet is back on track, but my body is in desperate need of a week off. It is a coming…


55 minutes of Core Synergistics from P90X. For more info on Core Synergistics, look at my previous blog.

The push-ups and lunges were tough. I though I was recovered from last Thursday’s Legs and Back Workout, but I guess not. Overall, it was a great workout and my form was perfect on all exercises. This will be my last Core Synergistic workout for some time.


My diet has been really good the past couple of days. I made a switch to have a protein shake in the morning for breakfast. I am going to keep this up for 4 weeks. My lunch will be protein oatmeal or protein cereal. I needed to switch things around and find a combination that works for me. My fat was a little high due to salmon and nuts.

Calories – 2,200

Carbs – 239g(47%)
Protein – 186g(36%)
Fat – 88g(17%)

In good health,

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