Wednesday, March 25, 2009

P90X+ Intervals Overview

I love interval workouts. This one is great. You perform each exercise at 3 different speeds. First, nice and easy. Then you pick up the intensity. Finally, you go all out. This workout is about 40 minutes in length. You have 15 exercises that are repeated. It moves quick. There is only one break that lasts about a minute. My heart rate is always pretty high by the time this one is done.

The Exercises:

1) Run in Place
2) Knee Kick, Front Kick
3) Hop Squats
4) Charleston Kick
5) Loading Dock
6) Jockey Squats
7) Tires
8) Speed Skaters
9) 3 count push ups
10) 80/20 squats
11) Side Lunge, Side Kick
12) Deep Jack Seats
13) Plyo Lunge
14) Jacks
15) Carlito 3-way Push ups

In good health,

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