Wednesday, March 18, 2009

P90x Yoga X Overview

This is a long power-yoga video. You are looking at a total time of an hour and a half. The first 40-45 minutes are tough. I do believe that yoga has helped keep me injury free, as well as increase my flexibility. I do yoga once a week.I do not feel this is a beginner's yoga workout and, in my opinion, a lot of the moves are advanced. That being said, after a few sessions, you will become more comfortable with the moves. Also, there are always ways to modify.

Here are the moves/sequence of the workout.

Warm-up: 5 breaths in mountain pose, wide leg hamstring stretch with torso twist, split leg hamstring stretch, standing side stretch, astanga sun salutations (3)

Moving Asana portion (Vinyasa, a lot of them, between each of these exercises): Runners pose, crescent pose, warrior one, warrior two, reverse warrior, triangle pose, twisting triangle pose, chair pose, twisting chair pose, downward dog with leg raise, right angle pose, extended right angle pose and grab (this is a pain), prayer twist, side arm balance, warrior 3, standing splits, half moon, twisting half moon

Like I said, there are lots and lots of vinyasa’s.

Balancing postures: Tree, royal dancer, standing leg extensions, crane, seated spinal stretch, cat stretch, frog, bridge or wheel, plough to shoulder stand, table, cobbler pose, one legged hamstring stretch, two legged hamstring stretch

Yoga Belly 7 (abs): Touch the sky, boat, half boat, open scissors, torso twist hold, deep torso twist hold, touch the sky - 3 parts

Stretch/Cool down: Side twist, glute stretch, happy baby, child’s pose, corpse, fetus pose, lotus pose

This is a tough workout and the length makes it tougher, but I think the positives of yoga make it worth it.

In good health,

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