Thursday, March 26, 2009

Time For Some Arms

I am feeling pretty good today. Surprisingly my legs are not shot from yesterday’s double pounding. My chest is still pretty sore from Sunday’s workout. I am hoping it is fully recovered by my next 30/15 on Sunday. This morning’s workout went pretty smooth, no interruptions.


Today was Just Arms followed by Killer Abs. Both of these workouts are taken from Tony’s 1-on-1 series.

I tried to lift as heavy as possible. I feel like I am really increasing my strength. I added some shoulder exercises to the workout to make it a total shoulder and arms routine.

Killer Abs was next. 480 reps for the abs is always pure joy.


Calories were a little high. I went to a late night concert, which meant a little late night food when I got home. Most of my fat was from almonds, peanut butter and hazelnuts.

Calories – 2500

Carbs – 255g (47%)
Protein – 187g (35%)
Fat – 99g (18%)

In good health,

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