Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Wednesday Dip

What a rare treat! No double workout on the day I work from home. That means a little extra sleep, which is nice. Errrr, wrong. In the middle of the night, my daughter asks if she can come sleep in our bed. I say fine, but then she starts coughing. I go back to her room and lay down with her. Next thing I know is it is 7:15 in the morning and I have had a crappy nights sleep. Oh well. The work day started at 7:30 and was busy from the get go. I didn’t know if I would be able to fit my workout in, but I was able to. I ended up working until 8pm. I ended the evening with 1.5oz. of Oban single malt scotch. That was nice.


Today was a mile and a half in the pool, non stop laps. I started off with some goggle issues, but then soon got into a rhythm. My stroke felt good. With about 5 laps to go, everything started falling apart. I lost my breathing and my pull felt weak. I was beat.

I collected myself and got my breathing back, but my left arm continued to drop on my pull.

When I got out of the pool I was wobbly and felt a little nauseated. Overall it was a great workout. The kind that required food immediately.


This week is still progressing along great.

Calories – 2,000

Carbs – 153g(37%)
Protein – 196g(48%)
Fat – 64g(15%)

In good health,

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