Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pretty Nice Little Saturday

I had a great week. Diet could have been a little better. I think I am still depressed about losing the MDB contest. At least thats what I am telling myself. My workouts were fantastic. I had my best pool session this year. My stroke is starting to fall into place. My running is right where it need to be. I really pushed the weights as high as I could go and added a little kettlebell work after my swim. I have 2 weeks left in my 19 week hybrid schedule(combo of P90X, P90X+, Tonys 1-on-1, running, biking, swimming).

This is the big week coming up for me. I really want to hit 170 clean pull-ups on Thursday.

This weeks schedule

Sunday - 4 mile run(A.M.)
Chest, Shoulder & Tri's/Ab Ripper X (P.M.)

Monday - Plyometrics (A.M.)

Tuesday - Back & Biceps/Ab Ripper X (A.M.)

Wednesday - Yoga X (A.M.)

Thursday - Legs & Back/Killer Abs (A.M.)
3 mile run (P.M.)

Friday - 60 minute bike intervals (A.M.)

Saturday - X Stretch


Not really a workout, just an hour of stretching. 60 minutes of the X Stretch from P90X.


Calories – 2600

Carbs – 218g (46%)
Protein – 161g (34%)
Fat – 99g (20%)

In good health,

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