Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pump and a Dip

Today is going to be a quick blog. It is a busy day at the house.

AM Workout

Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus from the P90X+ series. It is about an hour total.

I really pushed the weights hard today. It was a typical nauseating workout. I needed a 10 minute break before I started Abs Core Plus. My Stomach was pretty sore.

Check out my Wine Fixes All blog for more info on the Upper Plus workout.

PM Workout

A 1 mile pool session, straight laps. I am happy to report it was my best pool session this year. I never really felt uncomfortable with my stroke. I ended up doing some kettlebell swings after the swim. More on those later.

Again, sorry for the short blog, but family/daddy duties come first.


Diet was good today.

Calories – 2800

Carbs – 286g (55%)
Protein – 156g (30%)
Fat – 79g (15%)

In good health,

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