Sunday, February 8, 2009

Double Trouble on 2/8/2009

For me, Sundays are usually a double workout. My first workout is done before everyone wakes up and the second is done when my youngest goes down for her nap. The one thing I make a point to do is not to let my workouts interfere with family time. I would say I am able to accomplish this about 85% of the time.

Today was not the case. I woke up late after an evening of good music and a couple of good beers. That is not an excuse not to get my workout in, so I pushed through.

AM Workout

This morning was my longest run of the new year. A solid 10k. I felt sluggish the first mile, but then I found my groove. The weather was nice for this time of year, 40 and sunny. I finished in 48:37, about an 8 minute mile.

PM Workout

The afternoon workout consisted of Chest, Shoulders & Tri's, followed by Ab Ripper X. These routines are right out of the P90X program. I am debating whether I should post the exercises, reps and weight. We will see down the road.

This workout pounded me today. I was about halfway through the 24 set routine and I knew I was really going to have to push it. Arms were shaking pretty bad on the side-to-side push-ups. That being said, this is one of my favorite workouts. No repeated exercise.

Ab Ripper X is always a joy to do. 11 exercises, over 300 reps in 15 minutes.


Yesterday was my stretch day, but I was eating for Sundays double. This means my carb intake will be high, but my calories will be low. Carbs ratio is a little high. If I cut out about 30g, it would have put me at 65%. Right where I would want it to be.

Calories - 1,800

Carbs - 265g (77%)
Fat - 40g (12%)
Protein - 38g (11%)

In good health,

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