Monday, February 16, 2009

To Tired for a Double

Today was supposed to be a double workout, but there was no chance at this. We went for dinner at my cousin’s house and did not get home until after 3am. Of course, this means nothing to a 1 year old. She was still up by 7am. Yuck! I tried to motivate myself. It just wasn't happening. At around 5pm, I felt I had enough energy to get a workout in. I would just have to move my run to tomorrow. This will interfere with time spent with the family, but will be made up when I work from home the following day.


Today’s workout was Chest and Back followed by Ab Ripper X. Both are taken from the P90X program. It is an excellent workout. Push-ups followed by pull-ups. There are also a couple of rowing exercises thrown in there as well. Total workout time for Chest and Back is about 55 minutes. 24 sets, 12 different exercises which are repeated.

I was a little nervous about today’s workout due to my extreme lack of sleep. I didn't feel great while I was working out, but my numbers showed otherwise. I felt like I had an extra 15 pounds on my frame while I was doing pull-ups. They were tough. I also was able to punch out over 250 push-ups. I was feeling quite nauseous when I was done. I needed an extra 5 minutes before starting Ab Ripper.

Ab Ripper was its usual 15 minutes of bliss. No problems here.


Ratios could have been better and my calories should have been a little lower. I am starting to notice that when there is a large time gap between my last snack and dinner, it tends to cause problems come dinnertime. I am going to need to add another snack around 5 since my dinner usually isn't until around 7:30.

Calories - 2,300

Carbs - 241g(58%)
Protein - 123g(30%)
Fat - 52g(12%)

In good health,

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