Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Time for a Change

After not much thought, I have decided to blog on my previous day’s workout and diet. This way everything lines up. I was getting confused writing it. If I am getting confused writing it, I am sure anyone reading it is most likely confused as well. So, I ask for a little slack here. I am new to blogging and the whole writing on a daily basis thing.

I will talk about yesterday’s diet so everything will line up tomorrow.


Yesterday was a lifting day, so my protein was high and, for the most part, my diet was clean. I could not avoid a nice glass of Meritage. I tried, but it was as if it was calling my name from the other room. I think I may have snuck a piece of dark chocolate as well. This brings me to a staple in my diet. One piece (1/2oz.) of dark chocolate. With benefits such as lowering of blood pressure and it being a potent antioxidant, how can I refuse?

Calories - 1900

Carbs - 179g(46%)
Protein - 144g(38%)
Fats - 60g(16%)

In Good Health,

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