Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wine Fixes All

Today was supposed to be my usual stretch day, but I needed to switch my rotation. I swapped my Saturday and Sunday workout. This meant another double. My fourth of the week. Luckily I did because a double workout today would have never happened. It was a late night with some excellent wine. Believe it or not, I actually managed to get a quick set of pull-ups in at the tasting and I also witnessed an Ironman drink pink champagne. Cheers Mike! Not only did I have a great time, but the vino helped me to forget just how sore I was.

AM Workout

A basic 10k at an 8-minute mile pace. Legs were still sore from pounding them all week long. I popped in Swingers to help pass the time on the treadmill. My pace is coming along great and I am getting into a comfortable rhythm.

PM Workout

This one was tough. Upper Plus, followed by Abs/Core Plus. These routines are taken from the P90X+ series. The P90X+ routines fit nicely into my schedule during race season. The hit multiple muscle groups all at once.

Upper Plus is a 45-minute monster. You do it all. Push-ups, pull-ups, bi’s, tri’s and shoulders. The tough part of this routine is that its not about reps it’s about time. Some sets are a minute and a half. If you don’t pick the right weight, you end up burning out early. I pushed myself as much as possible. I knew I wouldn’t have any lifting routines for a few days, so I maximized this workout.

Abs/Core Plus is just as the title describes. It is 20 minutes in length. You go through 5 rotations, 4 sets in each rotation. You hang from the pull-up bar, you stand, you plank and you sit. An all around great ab routine with moves you have never heard of.


I can’t really give an accurate count today. My calories probably came in around 3,000. With the vino and appetizers, and they were excellent appetizers by the way, I would be kidding myself if I tried to post my intake.

In good health,

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