Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Rare Monday Double

After a crappy Sunday, I needed to push my double to Monday. I was still feeling a little tired from the weekend and I knew my PM workout had the potential of completely sucking. Everything went halfway decent. The best part of it all was that it did not cut into my fatherly duties. My youngest was taking a nap and my oldest was doing homework.

AM Workout

Plyometrics today from P90X. Just some good old jump training. This morning was a great workout. I really pushed myself to the max. I was jumping as high as I could and going down super low in my lunges and squats. The legs were on fire, very shaky. The 55 minutes seem to fly by.

PM Workout

This was the one I was questioning how great it would be. I have been averaging about an 8-minute mile. Tonight I would have been happy with about 8.5 or 9 minute miles. Before I ran, I just sat down and tried to regain my focus. I kept telling myself that if I stuck with the 8-minute mile, I would be done in 40 minutes. After a few minutes, I got up and proceeded with my run. My legs felt very heavy. This was most likely due to the morning plyo session. I stuck with the 8-minute mile, but then I started pushing myself. Next thing I knew, I was doing one-minute increases of up to 7-minute miles. Switching up the normal one-dimensional run kept my mind busy and made the workout go by quickly. I finished the 5 miles in 37:17.


My fats are a little high, but this is due to a large piece of salmon and a serving of almonds. All healthy fats. 98% of the time, when my fats look high, it is because of a piece of fish.

Calories – 1,900

Carbs - 176g(45%)
Protein - 139g(35%)
Fat - 79g(20%)

In good health,

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