Monday, February 9, 2009

Second double of the week 2/9/2009

Finally, after three consecutive nights of little sleep, I had a solid slumber.

I was up at 6am today for my first workout. This was done with coffee of course. My afternoon workout was at the pool. When I work from home, I am able to do a lunchtime swim there. Very convenient.

AM Workout

Today was Plyo X from the P90X fitness program. I am a big fan of plyometrics and use it pretty deep into my race season. I feel that plyometrics played a large part in my improved race time. I saw an increase in speed on both the bike and the run. I will discuss more on this through the weeks.

Back to the workout. 55 minutes of jump training. You go through a cycle of four movements. The first three are 30 seconds each and the last one is 1 minute in length. You repeat this cycle twice and then get a 30 second break. My first experience with plyo was not pleasant. I felt nausea. Now, I can't get enough of it.

PM Workout

One mile swim at the local pool. It wasn't pretty, but I was able to cover the distance. My arms/shoulders were very sore from yesterdays Chest, Shoulders and Tri's workout. It is good to get back in the pool after an extended break.


Heavy protein day to compliment yesterdays heavy lifting.

Calories - 1,600

Carbs - 98g(35%)
Fat - 52g(18%)
Protein - 131g(47%)

In good health,


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