Friday, February 6, 2009

Welcome Endurance Athletes!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

I am an everyday endurance athlete that enjoys a challenge. I participate in triathlons, marathons, short-distance races(5k, 10k, etc.), long distance cycling, kayaking. I have a full-time job, a family, a house that is in constant need of work, etc. I also do part-time fitness coaching. Basically, I am like all of you. I am trying to enjoy fitness while managing a life. I have limited time to get my training and workouts in, as I am sure is your problem.

What to expect in my blog

I will be attempting to post my workouts/training and diet daily. I will also be discussing any road blocks that get in the way. This can include injury, weather hazzards, nagging wife(hopefully she won't be reading this), screaming children, work or any other unforeseen issues. Upcoming races will also be talked about. And of course, my love of wine and dessert.

Another topic will be the P90X fitness program, how it fits into my training and why I think it is a perfect match for the endurance athlete or anyone looking for a great fitness routine.

P90X - A quick overview why I enjoy it!

P90X is an extreme home-based fitness program. The operative word here being home-based. On limited time, I don't want to have to worry about getting to the gym in the morning. With P90X, I am able to wake up, go into the basement and have a great workout. The workouts are great and will challenge you, as well as your endurance. My race times improved dramatically this year after using the program. I had some awesome physical results and won $1000 in their transformation contest. I will discuss more of the workouts in future blogs.

You can view the video from when I won the contest back in April here:

You can view photos of my transformation using P90X here:

In good health,

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