Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Switch of Schedule

I have decided this week I am going to be a little relaxed on my diet. I am going to enjoy some carbs in the evening and feed some of my cravings. One of them being yesterday’s paczki for Fat Tuesday. I thing I am still in mourning over not being chosen as a finalist in the Million Dollar Body contest.

I had to switch up some of my workouts to accommodate my wife’s work schedule. Sometimes life gets in the way and you have to roll with the punches. The workout should always be flexible enough to make changes. Today ended up being a double.

AM Workout

Total Body Plus taken from the P90X+ series. The total running time is about 45 minutes. This workout hits everything. Core, arms, chest, back, legs, you name it. You do a lot of combination moves in this routine. For example, there is a set called 3x3’s. This is 3 squats, followed by 3 push-ups and ending with 3 pull-ups. You repeat this sequence for 2 minutes. This workout is more about time then reps. So if you pick a weight that is too heavy, you are going to burn out before the time is up.

I went as high as I could with the weights again since this will be my last Total Body Plus workout for a while. Overall, I had a great burn.

PM Workout

I know what you are thinking. “It’s Joe’s mid-week run, another boring 5k”. You would be correct. I am building my base and there is really no reason to go for long runs right now. There is also no reason to go nuts on the speed. My big races do not happen for another 4 months. My pace was a comfortable 8 minute mile, with ¾ of a mile being a 7 ½ minute pace towards the end. I am feeling really comfortable on the run right now. Hopefully my Friday pool session will prove the same.


Even with the paczki’s I ate, my diet numbers still were pretty good.

Calories – 2800

Carbs – 330g (56%)
Protein – 175g (30%)
Fat – 82g (14%)

In good health,

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