Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back and Bi's 2/10/2009

I am feeling it today. I was pretty damn sore this morning and did not feel like getting up to workout. I hit snooze a couple of times and decided I would pound the arms and back. Of course my cup 'o joe would be my training partner.

The Workout

Another P90X routine. This one is Back and Bicpes followed by Ab Ripper X. This is another one of my favorites. Twenty-four different exercises in 50 minutes. Pull-ups and curls and rows, OH MY! I felt like my biceps were going to pop. You perform 12 separate curl routines, the last being a strip set of 32 reps using four different weights. My form was a little sketchy here, but it was the last set and my arms were shot. All but two sets of curls were performed using 30 or 35 pounds. Pull-ups were tough today. Only increased on one set. All the rest stayed the same. My back was pretty tight from yesterdays swim.

Ab Ripper X was a little tougher today. My stomach was sore, but I kept my shoes on this time. A lot of the exercises are done with both feet off the ground. The added weight of the shoes definitely adds a little intensity.


After back to back days of double workouts, as well as low intake, I decided to give my body what it needed...more calories.

Calories - 2900

Carbs - 361g(58%)
Fat - 95g(15%)
Protein - 162g(27%)

I am thinking about switching the blog around a little bit and make it more uniform. More on this tomorrow.

In good health,

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