Friday, February 20, 2009

Burning Out…

I am feeling a little wiped. Today is my third double of the week. It also holds one of my longer workouts. Of course, my daughter was present during the ab section. She was very pissed that my legs kept knocking into her as she was trying to sit on the yoga mat. Then there was also the “lets see how well dad can do abs while I use him as a chair”. The answer to that question was not very well. I needed to pause, get her a fruit snack and put on my wife’s “Best of the 80’s” cd. This would keep her occupied until I was just about finished. My wife turning my kids into 80’s music freaks is a topic better left for a future blog.

AM Workout

Today’s morning workout was Plyo Legs with back, followed by Killer Abs. Both of these workouts come from Tony’s one-on-one series. This is probably in the top 3 of my favorite routines to do. It comes in at a total time of about an hour and a half. The regular workout is Plyo Legs, but I add the pull-ups from P90X’s Legs & Back routine. This takes the workout to the next level.

The Plyo Legs portion of the workout is like a combination of Plyometrics and Legs from P90X. There are some differences though. You are doing more reps and the intensity is higher. I knew I would be feeling it after my previous couple of days which included plyometrics, a 5 mile run and bike intervals. The workout did not disappoint. My heart rate was way up and there was one point that I had to take a breather. Adding the pull-ups really makes this a rocker. Speaking of pull-ups I was able to bring my total up to 166. After this part of the routine, I needed to take a few minutes because I felt my stomach about to get real angry with me.

After about 10 minutes, I started in on Killer Abs. Minus my daughter sitting on my face, I thought it went well. 460 reps/21 different exercises, who can ask for anything more?

PM Workout

This one is pretty boring. It was just a quick 5k (3.1 miles) at an 8 minute mile pace. I wish there was more to write about, but that’s it.


Right on the money again. My diet has been going really well this week.

Calories – 2,100

Carbs - 251g (54%)
Protein - 149g (33%)
Fat - 59g (13%)

In good health,

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