Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sick on the bike

Today was 60 minute of bike intervals. I use this workout as maintenance for my triathlon training. Unfortunately, I am feeling the same as yesterday. The Cold-Eeze seem to be keeping my symptoms at bay. My body is incredibly sore from my Legs and Back workout yesterday. It's a good sore, but coupled with being sick is not the best combo.


Bike intervals are one of my favorite wintertime routines. I sweat my patootie off. It is a workout I came up with on my own. It is 60 minutes overall, including a 5-minute warm-up and cool down. I start in the big chain ring in the front and around 15-17 in the back. I work in a pyramid and go a minute on/a minute off. For the on minute I increase every 20 seconds. I start at 21mph, and then go to 23mph and finally 25mph. I do this for 2 sets. The next set, I increase to 23, 25, 27mph. And so on. My minute off hovers between 21mph and 23mph depending what set I am on. My max mph set was 33, 35, and 37. My average speed for the overall workout was 25mph.


Ratios could have been better and my calories should have been a little lower. I am starting to notice that when there is a large time gap between my last snack and dinner, it tends to cause problems come dinnertime. I am going to need to add another snack around 5 since my dinner usually isn't until around 7:30.

Calories - 2,600

Carbs - 276g(55%)
Protein - 159g(32%)
Fat - 65g(13%)

In good health,

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