Friday, February 13, 2009

A little under the weather

As I awoke from my slumber, I could tell it was going to be a crap day. I felt like somebody had sandpapered my left tonsil and my body was achy. I had no idea if I was going to get through the days double workout. I made it through my 3 mile run in the morning. The evening workout was the one I thought I was going to struggle with. I started popping Cold-Eeze and went for a double latte at around 3pm. When I got home from work, I jumped right into my workout. The wife and kids were out, so it was a perfect environment. I made it through the second of my double workout. Dinner was next on the agenda and then bed.

AM Workout

3 mile run in 23:42, about a 7:54 minute mile. My runs are right where I want them to be this time of season. I am consistently running around an 8:00 minute mile pace. Considering I am not in tri-training mode yet, this is above where I expected to be.

PM Workout

This was the long one. Legs and Back followed by Killer Abs. The Legs and Back workout is from the P90X series. It is about 55 minutes in length. You basically do two leg exercises followed by a set of pull-ups. I crushed it. It looks like the midday latte helped. I used between 15-20lbs. dumbbells for all the squats, lunges and calf raises. This was perfect for me. Just enough to take me to the edge. My pull-ups were a personal best, 160 clean! I was pumped when I was finished. I am not sure if I will be able to fit anymore pull-ups in the time allotted. A great all around burn.

Next, Killer Abs. This is taken from Tony Horton's 1-on-1 series. 21 exercises. 460 reps. Stomach was on fire when I was finished.


Ratios were right on the money today, but my calories could have been a little higher.

Calories - 1,600

Carbs - 145g (47%)
Protein - 135g (43%)
Fat - 32g (10%)

In good health,

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