Thursday, February 12, 2009

Yoga...with a little interference

Ah, the joys of being The Everyday Endurance Athlete.

Yesterday was my usual Wednesday dilemma. How do I fit in an hour and a half of yoga before Thing 2(my 1 year old) wakes up? Also, how do I accomplish this without getting up at 5am? The answer is the same as weeks prior. I have no frickin' idea. This means that at about the halfway point, she will come into the room and start stealing my yoga block and strap.

This day was no exception. She was in the room before she even chomped down her typical breakfast appetizer, a banana and a glass of milk. I say appetizer because she has around four breakfasts. She took the yoga block immediately leaving me in trouble early. There are some moves that I cannot perform without the assistance of a yoga block. If I did, I would most likely be in the emergency room with a wide range of torn connective tissue. Then, towards the end, she ventured back into the room to see how else she could cause daddy pain or discomfort. As I was doing my abs, she grabbed a book and decided she was going to use me as a seat. It was great and the bouncing while sitting just added to the pleasure. Nothing like doing boat and touch the sky with a kid sitting on your stomach and laying back on your chest. Then, to add insult to injury, she gets up and walks over by my feet. She bends down, smells them, let’s out a big "Ohhh" while waving her hand in front of her face and leaves the room. This is no exaggeration of the story.

As frustrating as it is at the time, it always puts a smile on my face later in the day. These are moments that will be with me forever.


Since my story took up a little more time, I will just touch on the workout and discuss it more in future weeks.

Today was Yoga X from the P90X fitness routine. It is 1 hour 32 minutes in length. Yoga is very important in my workouts and I hit it once a week. The biggest benefit of yoga for me has been increased flexibility. This had lead to less injury. This in turn makes Joe a happy yoga doer guy.


I was a little heavy on the calories yesterday. I had a double workout on tap, so this was the plan. I went a little overboard. Things were great and right on point until I had my first chicken/steak fajita for dinner. These were on corn tortillas, which got rid of the processed flour. The problem was after I had my first sip of a margarita. I knew a dessert wouldn't be too far behind. Damage was not too bad. It could have been worse. Ratios were still good. That's a plus.

Calories - 3,000

Carbs - 408g(60%)
Protein - 175g(27%)
Fat - 87g(13%)

In Good Health,

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