Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Back to Back Double

Back to back double workouts are definitely not the norm for me. Too much stress on the body, this increases the chance for injury. Luckily, my second part of the double was a short one. I worked from home and was able to get this one done while Thing 1 was at school and Thing 2 was napping.

AM Workout

Today was Shoulders and Arms/Ab Ripper X taken from P90X.

Shoulders and Arms is 1 hour of pounding the shoulders, bi's and tri's. It is a repeat workout consisting of 30 sets. You hit shoulders, bi's, tri's and then repeat those same sets. You are doing fifteen different exercises. I tested the waters and the first few sets. I felt pretty good, so I decided I was going big. I increase the weights on all my sets by 5lbs. I was able to keep my reps between 8-10. On a few of the exercises I needed a mid set break. There is nothing wrong with taking these breaks. They help you reach your goal and readjust your form. I should mention that when I say break, I am not talking a minute. My mid-set breaks last 5 seconds or less.

Ab Ripper was a little tough today. Tummy muscles were quite sore.

PM Workout

30 minutes of bike intervals. Three minute warm-up/cool down. One minute on, one minute off. For a better description of my intervals workout, checkout the previous blog. I did not do a pyramid today, yet I still was dripping sweat when finished.

I stuck with 4 different interval sets. I switch speed every 20 seconds with a recovery of a minute.

Speeds and number of sets:

27mph, 29mph, 31mph - 2 sets
29mph, 31mph, 33mph - 4 sets
31mph, 33mph, 35mph - 5 sets
35mph, 37mph, 39mph - 1 set


Calories and ratios have been perfect the last few days.

Calories - 2,100

Carbs - 254g(54%)
Protein - 166g(36%)
Fat - 49g(10%)

In good health,

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