Monday, March 2, 2009

Burning the Fondue

Today was a typical double. I needed to burn off a few extra calories from the night before. The wife and I were able to enjoy a nice fondue dinner and a bottle of wine with friends. It is so nice to have a nice evening out without having to worry about the kids. My run was finished before the kids were up and my second workout was done while Thing 2 was sleeping. Thing 1 joined me downstairs for my workout and drew me some excellent pictures to take to work.

AM Workout

This was a fall back week for me on the run, a 4 miler. My pace was good, 7:54 minute miles and I am slowly increasing the incline. I need to get ready for my hills once it gets warm out.

As I have said in the past, I am in the early build phase of my tri training. In a couple more weeks, my training will shift.

PM Workout

Chest, Shoulders & Tri’s/Ab Ripper X. Both workouts are taken from the P90X routine and, combined, come in at about 1 hour and 15 minutes. For a more detail on the workout, check out my double blog from early February.

What can I say, an absolute top notch workout. Arms were toast on just about every set of shoulders and tri’s. I increased the weight on all but two exercises. I pushed all my push-ups as well. This included 14 1 arm push-ups. Those of things get me pumped. My daughter kept asking me if I was ok due to my constant groaning.

I flew right through abs with out an issue.


Calories – 2700

Carbs - 243g (53%)
Protein – 147g (32%)
Fat – 65g (15%)

In good health,

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