Saturday, March 21, 2009

P90X Back and Biceps Overview

Another killer no repeat workout. You beat the poop out of your biceps here. This makes doing the pull-ups extra tough. The corn-cobs are a monster. Once again, there are always ways to modify. Use the weight that allows for 8-10 reps(size) or 12-15 reps(lean). For both, the last 3 reps should be tough.

The Exercises:

1) Wide front pull-ups
2) Lawnmowers
3) Twenty-ones
4) One-arm cross-body curl
5) Switch grip pull-up
6) Elbows-out lawnmower
7) Standing bicep curl
8) One-arm concentration curl
9) Corn cob pull-up
10) Reverse grip bent-over row
11) Open-arm curl
12) Static arm curl
13) Towel pull-up
14) Congdon locomotive
15) Crouching Cohen curl
16) One-arm corkscrew curl
17) Chin-up
18) Seated bent-0ver back fly
19) Curl-up/Hammer down
20) Hammer curl
21) Max rep pull-up
22) Supermans
23) In-out hammer curls
24) Strip-set curl

In good health,

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