Saturday, May 30, 2009

11 Miler

I have come to the conclusion that I can no longer do strength workouts a day or two before a long run. I have reach that point in my training. With my chest and shoulders being sore, it does not make for a good run.


11 mile run of hills.

This was my toughest run of the year. I knew it was going to be bad when I saw a coyote in the middle of the trail a few minutes into my run.

My upper body was very sore, which didn’t help. It was also hot and humid, I started my run at about 10am. My body has not adjusted to the heat yet. My allergies were also making it a little harder to breath. This happens every year and it takes a couple of weeks for my body to adjust.

Distance – 11 miles
Time – 1:28:33
Pace – 8:03
Ascent – 1769 feet
Descent – 1809 feet

Calories burned – 1300


Calories – 2300

Carbs – 160g (40%)
Protein – 177g (44%)
Fat – 66g (16%)

In good health,

Friday, May 29, 2009

Lift And Bike

Another double day and I pretty much went back to back on these. Maybe not the smartest move, but I had to use the time given to me.

AM Workout

P90X+ routines. Upper Body Plus followed by Abs/Core Plus. Check out my previous blogs for details on the workouts.

I went out pretty hard on this workout. Lots of push-ups and a good amount of pull-ups. I also hit the arms pretty hard. My strength training is winding down with my races coming up. I will probably go pretty heavy next week

PM Workout

90 minutes on the bike.

Nothing special here. I just wanted to get some time in the saddle. I hit the trails with a friend and we had some good clean riding. I had a few straight-aways where I had the speed up at 24mph. My legs felt strong throughout the ride.


Calories – 2900

Carbs – 291g (53%)
Protein – 170g (32%)
Fat – 84g (15%)

In good health,

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Time For Speed

I needed to switch thing around today due to weather and commitments for the rest of the week. I am feeling somewhat back to normal, but my sleep schedule has been all off. I need to start getting to bed early. Being on vacation has really thrown everything off.


3 mile run, speed intervals followed by Abs/Core Plus from the P90X+ routine.

The run felt good. No issues with the shins. I kept a nice easy pace. This is my last speed interval before my triathlons start. I feel like they served their purpose and I will make improvements with my running this season.

Abs/Core Plus was a little challenging today. My shoulders are kind of sore, so the hanging ab work was a little difficult today.


Calories – 2500

Carbs – 203g (44%)
Protein – 180g (39%)
Fat – 81g (17%)

In good health,

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Swim Joe Swim

I am still not back to normal after that quick weekend in Michigan. I think between the food and drink, I am going to need a couple of more days. I also think my allergies are contributing to my lack of energy. This is a common theme at this time of year and just something I have to battle thru. Luckily it is gone by the time my triathlons and marathons come around.


45 minute swim, power drills.

I felt great in the pool today. This is going to be my last pool session for 2 weeks. My local pool is being clean and will not be open until the 6th. This is not a big deal. I don’t anticipate losing much during that week.

Back to today’s workout. I went out pretty hard. I wanted to make the most out of this session due to me not swimming next week. No problems and my shoulder, which can give me problems if I do too much too soon, held up great.


Calories – 2300

Carbs – 193g (45%)
Protein – 172g (40%)
Fat – 66g (15%)

In good health,

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Back To Normal

Today was my stretch day. As usual, I use the X Stretch from the P90X series. My lower back has been pretty tight lately. I am hoping it loosens up soon. I am thinking it might have something to do with the height of my seat on the bike. I am hoping that I can get properly fitted for a bike one day.

Weeks Schedule:

Sunday – Tony’s 1-on-1 Road Warrior (AM)
3.5 hour bike (PM)

Monday – X Stretch

Tuesday – 45 minute swim, drills

Wednesday – 3 mile run, speed intervals and Abs/Core Plus (AM)
60 minute bike (PM)

Thursday – Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus

Friday – 11 mile run, hills

Saturday – Fountain of Youth Yoga

In good health,

Monday, May 25, 2009

Where You Been?

The family and I decided to go away for the weekend to Michigan, so I am behind on my blogs. Instead of trying to make them all up, I will go over what I did and start back up tomorrow.


I had a great brick workout. 15 miles on the bike and a 3.5 mile run. It felt good, but I feel like I should be a little bit higher in my distances with my first triathlon about a month away.


Tony's 1-on-1 Fountain of Youth yoga. Definitely needed this one.


This was a double day.

My morning workout was Road Warrior from Tony's 1-on-1 series. It was perfect for being out of town. My first all band workout. Some of the moves were from P90X. It was great. The wife joined me on this one.

My afternoon workout was three and a half hours on the bike. What a great ride. I went around lakes, million dollar homes and some hills. I met up with another cyclist at the end of one of the trails and I asked him where else I could ride. He said follow me. We headed to the streets. It is always a pleasure meeting another cyclist and riding together. Overall, some of the best road riding I have been on.

In good health,

Friday, May 22, 2009

Kayak Gone Bad

Almost a double today. I was finally able to get the kayak out. I decided to take my youngest daughter with. That turned out to be a big mistake. She cried the entire time. I think the paddle scared her. What was suppose to be a relaxing outing on the lake turned out to be a disaster that ended with a beer.


Upper Plus followed by Abs/Core Plus both out of the P90X+ routine.

I forgot how tough this one was. Again, I haven’t done it in a while and it showed. Right from the start, I knew I was going to struggle. Push-ups and pull-ups were rough, but I know I will get up to speed rather quickly.

I was sweating buckets by the time I was done. I think it was a combination of a tough workout and the warm weather.


Calories – 2500

Carbs – 254g (51%)
Protein – 173g (35%)
Fat – 73g (14%)

In good health,

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Double The Pleasure

Ah, another double workout. One solo and one with Thing2. I was planning on going for an all out 20 mile ride, but how could I refuse the “please” of a two year old. My legs feel halfway decent. I am glad I didn’t go all out on plyo yesterday. Today was definitely a tough one. The weather is heating up. Hopefully it stays that way so I can get some open water swimming in sometime soon.

AM Workout

45 minutes of straight laps.

I started off somewhat slow and then picked up the pace. About 10 minutes into it, I got into a real nice groove and the time started to fly by. My shoulders felt great, as did my stroke. My swimming is improving.

The one thing that always is in the back of my mind is if I should be bilateral breathing. It has never worked out for me and I seem to do best breathing out of one side. I hope to one day enroll in a total immersion swimming camp.

PM Workout

20 miles on the bike…with thing 2 as my copilot.

All I can say is it is what it is. Sometimes you need to step out of the box. I went as hard as I could without putting my passenger in danger. It was a better than average ride. It is nice to incorporate the family into my triathlon training. I never want to be someone who puts training before family. It just wouldn’t be fair to them.


Calories – 2400

Carbs – 207g (50%)
Protein – 133g (32%)
Fat – 74g (18%)

In good health,

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Run Abs Jump

I had a weird day of working out. I didn’t get my PM workout in until 9:30. Very strange. Sometimes the day gets away from you. I was able to get my youngest daughter out for a run which was great. She fell asleep in the stroller about 10 minutes into it. On a sour note, I am starting to get a shin splint.

AM Workout

3 mile run followed by Abs/Core Plus from the P90X+ routine.

Great run and an awesome ab routine. Pushing the stroller was a challenge. I always have trouble deciding what to do with my hands. Finished up at a 7:21 minute mile pace.

It’s been a while since I have done Abs/Core Plus. I forgot how great it is. Core strength is big in triathlon and this is definitely the routine that can help.

PM Workout

Plyometrics from P90X.

I went pretty light with this one. It was late and I did not want to risk an injury. Overall it was still great. I sweated my butt off. I really love Plyo, but I think I need to put it on hold until after triathlon season. I think it is too much stress on the legs, which is probably contributing to my shin splint.


Calories – 2700

Carbs – 255g (53%)
Protein – 160g (33%)
Fat – 68g (14%)

In good health,

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It is my typical X Stretch day from P90X. Awesome day for it. I did a lot of work on the house today. I wasn’t able to fit the stretch in until late evening. Here is my schedule for the week.

Sunday – 20 mile bike (AM)
Total Body Plus (PM)

Monday – X Stretch

Tuesday – 3 mile run and Abs/Core Plus (AM)
Plyometrics (PM)

Wednesday – 45 min swim, laps (AM)
60 minute bike (PM)

Thursday – Kayaking (AM)
Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus (PM)

Friday – 1-on-1 yoga

Saturday – 15 mile bike/3 mile run (brick)

In good health,

Monday, May 18, 2009

Back to P90X

Today I needed to squeeze in a double workout. It was going to be tight with my daughter having a double header in soccer. I was able to get one in right after her game and then the other in the evening. I was pretty much beat all day.

AM Workout

20 mile bike. This was a triathlon training ride. I kept my speed up around 22mph for most of the ride. Everything felt good. The ride seemed to fly by. This is the first year that I am consistently on the bike twice a week. It is definitely helping my overall cycling.

PM Workout

Back to the P90X+ routines. Today was Total Body Plus. I am definitely losing some strength. By, for the most part, being completely off P90X workouts, I can definitely tell the difference.

The pull-ups and push-ups were tough, I wasn’t lifting as much weight and everything just felt uncomfortable. I guess this is to be expected, but I really didn’t foresee this much of a difference. I went pretty light. I am sure I will bounce back fairly quickly.


Calories – 2400

Carbs – 270g (51%)
Protein – 180g (34%)
Fat – 77g (15%)

In good health,

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I really need the yoga today. Not only because I am beat from the previous nights activity, but also due to my body being incredibly sore.

I am going to start rotating triathlon specific brick workouts and long runs on the weekends. Speaking of weekends, this one is going to be very busy with the kids activities. I pick up the P90X+ workouts again this coming week. Looking forward to it.


Tony’s 1-on-1 fountain of youth yoga.

This was just what I needed today. Lots of good stretches.

Even as training picks up, I still plan one day of yoga each week. Yoga is very beneficial for me. I believe, for the most part, it keeps me injury free. During the triathlon season, yoga, as well as the P90X stretch video, are two staples that are a part of every weeks training.


Calories – 2100

Carbs – 188g (46%)
Protein – 160g (39%)
Fat – 61g (15%)

In good health,

The 10 Miler

Playing catch up on the blogs. I am a day behind. This is actually discussing Fridays workout.

I needed to flip flop my run and yoga because I am heading to a concert this evening and wouldn’t be home until late. I am glad I made that call. Between the late evening/early wake up call by the kids and the cocktails, it never would have happened.


10 mile run, all hills.

This one was tough. After pounding my legs for the previous 3 days, my legs just didn’t have a quality run in them. My legs felt like lead and I really struggled with the hills. Surprisingly, I have my fastest 10 miler on this course of the year.

Distance – 10 miles
Time – 1:17:12
Pace – 7:43
Total Ascent – 1552 feet
Total Descent – 1572 feet


Taking a pass on the diet today. With the drinks I had in the evening, I have no clue.

In good health,

Friday, May 15, 2009

Easy Rider

My recovery week is coming to an end and I am starting to feel some soreness in my lower back. I am not sure if this is related to more time spent on the bike or me not paying attention to form. This is something I will definitely need to keep a close eye on. I am thing about skipping my strength routines next week to give it some time to heal.


20 miles on the bike.

I wanted to keep it pretty light today. My plan was to keep my pace around 20mph. I felt myself speeding up at times and had to take it down a notch.

Overall, I felt great.


Calories – 2400

Carbs – 255g (50%)
Protein – 177g (34%)
Fat – 83g (16%)

In good health,

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Need To Switch

I had to readjust my schedule and flip a couple of workouts. What this basically means is that over the next few days my legs are going to be taking a beating.

AM Workout

45 minutes of swim drills.

Today’s drills were all about power. I did a combination of paddles, fins, 1-arm, fist and speed drills. I felt great. My stroke is feeling really good. Like I have mentioned before, the swim is my weakest discipline in triathlon. I am hoping to be able to hit the pool twice a week, but right now it is not an option.

PM Workout

This was supposed to be a bike day, but it is pouring out. Instead I decided to move my bike to tomorrow.

I went with a new Tony 1-on-1 workout called Medicine Ball Core Cardio. It is quick and high intensity. The total workout time is about 20 minutes and you really go all out. My heart rate was 180+ numerous times. Every move has you swinging or lifting the medicine ball in some way. It is like a combo of plyometrics and a leg workout while using a medicine ball.

I will definitely be doing this one again.


Calories – 2300

Carbs – 201g (47%)
Protein – 170g (39%)
Fat – 62g (14%)

In good health,

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Late Night Hills

I had a pretty busy day today. Between working on the house and spending time with the kids, I didn’t get my workout in until 8:30 PM. This will happen, but I am not a big fan of working out late in the evening. On the positive side, it was only a 3 mile run. On the negative side, it was hill intervals.


As mentioned earlier, my workout was 3 miles of hill intervals. The run was pretty tough. My max inclines were 7.8. I kept a pace of 8-minute miles. 3 miles were perfect. I was pretty much done at 2.5 mile mark.

I did notice that my legs recovered quite quickly from my 50-mile bike the other day. I have one more hill interval session before I really shift my focus towards triathlon.


Calories – 2300

Carbs – 261g (54%)
Protein – 154g (32%)
Fat – 69g (14%)

In good health,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


It was a perfect day for stretching and as always, I used the X Stretch from P90x.

Here is this week’s schedule.

Sunday – Core Synergistics (AM), 50 mile bike (PM)

Monday – X Stretch

Tuesday – 3 mile run, hills

Wednesday – swim, drills (AM), 60 minute bike

Thursday – Core Cardio Medicine Ball

Friday – 10 mile run

Saturday – Fountain of Youth

In good health,

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Mothers Day Double

Mothers Day, my daughter’s soccer game and dinner my folks. How would I possibly fit in a double workout? I made it work, but I was a little for dinner by my parents house. I also had to skip out on my daughters soccer game at halftime, the wife took over. Wouldn’t you know it, the one time I am not there and she scores two goals. Hopefully she has a few more in her.

AM Workout

My morning workout was Core Synergistics taken from the P90X routine. This is one of my favorites. It hits everything with an emphasis on the core. It has been a few weeks since I did this one and it showed. Knowing I was going to be on the bike for over two and a half hours later, I didn’t go all out during this workout.

PM Workout

50 miles on the bike. This was not a triathlon training ride, it was more geared toward my century in September. I wanted to keep a nice 18 – 19 mph pace. I finished at 18.4 miles per hour.

The route was a combination of streets, paved trail and crushed limestone. There were not a lot of straight-aways. It is a decent route and I will definitely do it again.

My legs started tightening up around mile 30. I expected this with my previous days workouts.


Calories – 2600

Carbs – 331g (57%)
Protein – 165g (38%)
Fat – 85g (15%)

In good health,

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Today is going to be a quick post. My computer crashed and I am rebuilding it as we speak. I really wasn't in the mood for this today. I am getting ready to start my recovery week in a couple of days. I am looking forward to the Core Synergistics workout from the P90X series. My first triathlon keeps getting closer. I hope the weather starts getting better. I was pplanning on getting some open water swimming in starting the first week of June.


Fountain of youth yoga from Tony's 1-on-1 series. 45 minutes of me not being so limber. I was extremely tight. I think it would have been a better stratch day, but I need to stick with the schedule.


I didn't keep track today. I was pretty busy with work related things and my daughters first t-ball game/practice.

In good health,

Friday, May 8, 2009

Last Of The KB's

My final kettlebell workout in this phase. Next week will be a recovery week very similar to that of P90X. The only difference is that I will be adding some triathlon specific workouts to the mix.


Today was an hour of the kettlebell followed by Ab Ripper X from the P90X routine. It was a total of an hour and fifteen minutes for the workout.

I tell you what. Even though the kb is only 35 pounds, some of the moves are absolutely brutal. After a while, your biceps feel like they are going to tear, arms feel like they are going to give out and legs may buckle.

I am definitely going to look into a heavy kb for chest presses and hammer curls. I feel like I could push it a little more with those moves.


Calories – 2200

Carbs – 190g (42%)
Protein – 181g (40%)
Fat – 79g (18%)

In good health,

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Good Swim

I am starting to realize how hard it is to blog everyday, but oh well. I am really feeling a lot stronger and I believe it is due to the extra carbs. I know that carbs are key in triathlons and marathons, but I was really trying to lean out as much as possible. Now, I think I am going to focus on performance. After my recovery week, I am back to P90X workouts. I will continue to keep the carbs high.


Today was a 40-minute swim, all laps. It was easily my best of the season. Minus the pool being overly packed, everything felt right. My stroke, breathing and speed were all in sync.

I think that week off from swimming was definitely beneficial. I can’t remember the last time I felt that good during the swim.


Calories – 2300

Carbs – 201g (48%)
Protein – 150g (36%)
Fat – 65g (16%)

In good health,

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

And I'm Feeling Good...

Today I am feeling very strong. I think going a little less intense on a couple of workouts has really given a chance for my muscles to recoup. I felt great during both workouts. A couple more days and I will have my first brick workout. Bricks are extremely important while training for triathlon.

AM Workout

Today was Plyo Legs and I pushed it as much as possible. I was in a ton of pain. Knowing that next week is a recovery week, it makes it easy to go all out. I was jumping as high as I could, squatting and lunging as low as possible and holding those wall squats until my legs gave out. I will be feeling this for days to come.

PM Workout

3 miles of speed intervals. Again, I pushed my endurance as much as I possibly could without worrying about potential overuse injuries. I went with a minute on and 2 minutes off. My “on” pace was 6-minute miles and they felt great. I probably could have went a little faster, but I am trying to stay away from shin splints and other issues that tend to come out when you think your body can handle more than it actually can.

Definitely one of my best interval runs of the year.


Calories – 2700

Carbs – 293g (57%)
Protein – 172g (31%)
Fat – 84g (12%)

In good health,

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Flat

I enjoyed a nice afternoon ride today, but it didn’t come without drama. About 15 miles into my ride, I had a flat tire. It was caused by the smallest piece of glass ever. I hate changing tires. I had two faulty tubes, but I had to make due. I finished the ride, but it had me out longer than I wanted to be.


A good 45-mile ride was in the books. I didn’t want to push too much today. The plan was to stay between 18 and 20 miles per hour. I finished at 19.3 mph.

This workout wasn’t so much about triathlon training as it was for my century in mid-September

I felt great after the ride. Not too sore and not too pooped.


Calories – 2900

Carbs – 327g (57%)
Protein – 175g (31%)
Fat – 71g (12%)

In good health,

Monday, May 4, 2009


Today was very busy. It was my daughters first soccer game, so my usual Sunday double workout was not going to happen. I need to switch things around. This means that there will probably be no rest day this week. This is somewhat ok considering next week is a recovery week. I know what you’re thinking; triathlete’s don’t need to recover. This one does.


It was my second to last kettlebell workout followed by Ab Ripper X from P90X. You can look back at older blogs for my Ab Ripper X review.

This workout was great today. I gave it my all. I did a bunch of extra reps and I feel like my form is almost perfect. The squats and lunges were a little tough today, but that is to be expected after yesterdays 10-miler.


I am not sure what to do about my food intake right now. With all the added cardio, I find myself craving carbs more. My appetite is also getting bigger. I will probably keep my same eating schedule for the rest of the week and then switch it up come Monday.

Calories – 2600

Carbs – 317g (57%)
Protein – 169g (30%)
Fat – 75g (13%)

In good health,

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The 10 Miler

Today’s run was just what I need. It really was my first chance to clear my head and that is exactly what it did. It was very peaceful. Later in the day was my daughters choir performance, which was great. I ended the day with a perfect meal created by my wife in celebration of my mom’s birthday.


10 mile run. Near perfect conditions. Legs were almost there. I would have to say they were at about 85%. This is fine considering the workouts I have during the week. I was really powering up the hills. My legs have definitely gained some strength over the off-season.

Distance - 10 miles
Time - 1:19:12
Pace - 7:55
Total Ascent - 1552 ft.
Total Descent - 1565 ft.


Is it wrong to love the extra carbs…

Calories – 2800

Carbs – 333g (62%)
Protein – 147g (28%)
Fat – 56g (10%)

In good health,

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Good Yoga

Today was pretty busy. I am in the middle of cutting trim for the new upstairs doors. It is always fun to use power tools. I added a new cushioned area in the basement to workout on. It is a little more forgiving then concrete. It was great for plyo and worked awesome during yoga.


My workout was Tony’s 1-on-1 Fountain of Youth Yoga. It was a perfect day for yoga. My body was in need of some good stretching and yoga moves. The 45 minutes of yoga was perfect.

I have to say I am really enjoying this yoga tape. I know I have said it before, but I am saying it again. This yoga video fits perfect into my schedule.

This is another of the Tony 1-on-1 workouts that I recommend.


High carbs for tomorrows tough run.

Calories – 2800

Carbs – 397g (62%)
Protein – 175g (28%)
Fat – 62g (10%)

In good health,

Friday, May 1, 2009


I think I may have done something to my shoulder. During my workout, I noticed a crunching sound while doing shoulder presses with my right arm. I will need to keep an eye on this. There is no pain, which is good. In triathlon, believe it or not, the shoulder comes into play. That was my attempt at a joke.


Today was my kettlebell routine followed by Ab Ripper X from P90X. Another tough workout with the kb. I have to say, even though the kettlebell is only 35 lbs., the moves are hard. You really work your butt off. Halfway thru, I felt like my biceps were tearing.

I don’t know how this will benefit me in triathlon, but I love these workouts.


I have definitely been feeling stronger with the added carbs.

Calories – 2900

Carbs – 351g (60%)
Protein – 150g (29%)
Fat – 80g (11%)

In good health,