Saturday, May 9, 2009


Today is going to be a quick post. My computer crashed and I am rebuilding it as we speak. I really wasn't in the mood for this today. I am getting ready to start my recovery week in a couple of days. I am looking forward to the Core Synergistics workout from the P90X series. My first triathlon keeps getting closer. I hope the weather starts getting better. I was pplanning on getting some open water swimming in starting the first week of June.


Fountain of youth yoga from Tony's 1-on-1 series. 45 minutes of me not being so limber. I was extremely tight. I think it would have been a better stratch day, but I need to stick with the schedule.


I didn't keep track today. I was pretty busy with work related things and my daughters first t-ball game/practice.

In good health,

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