Sunday, May 17, 2009


I really need the yoga today. Not only because I am beat from the previous nights activity, but also due to my body being incredibly sore.

I am going to start rotating triathlon specific brick workouts and long runs on the weekends. Speaking of weekends, this one is going to be very busy with the kids activities. I pick up the P90X+ workouts again this coming week. Looking forward to it.


Tony’s 1-on-1 fountain of youth yoga.

This was just what I needed today. Lots of good stretches.

Even as training picks up, I still plan one day of yoga each week. Yoga is very beneficial for me. I believe, for the most part, it keeps me injury free. During the triathlon season, yoga, as well as the P90X stretch video, are two staples that are a part of every weeks training.


Calories – 2100

Carbs – 188g (46%)
Protein – 160g (39%)
Fat – 61g (15%)

In good health,

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