Wednesday, May 6, 2009

And I'm Feeling Good...

Today I am feeling very strong. I think going a little less intense on a couple of workouts has really given a chance for my muscles to recoup. I felt great during both workouts. A couple more days and I will have my first brick workout. Bricks are extremely important while training for triathlon.

AM Workout

Today was Plyo Legs and I pushed it as much as possible. I was in a ton of pain. Knowing that next week is a recovery week, it makes it easy to go all out. I was jumping as high as I could, squatting and lunging as low as possible and holding those wall squats until my legs gave out. I will be feeling this for days to come.

PM Workout

3 miles of speed intervals. Again, I pushed my endurance as much as I possibly could without worrying about potential overuse injuries. I went with a minute on and 2 minutes off. My “on” pace was 6-minute miles and they felt great. I probably could have went a little faster, but I am trying to stay away from shin splints and other issues that tend to come out when you think your body can handle more than it actually can.

Definitely one of my best interval runs of the year.


Calories – 2700

Carbs – 293g (57%)
Protein – 172g (31%)
Fat – 84g (12%)

In good health,

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