Monday, May 18, 2009

Back to P90X

Today I needed to squeeze in a double workout. It was going to be tight with my daughter having a double header in soccer. I was able to get one in right after her game and then the other in the evening. I was pretty much beat all day.

AM Workout

20 mile bike. This was a triathlon training ride. I kept my speed up around 22mph for most of the ride. Everything felt good. The ride seemed to fly by. This is the first year that I am consistently on the bike twice a week. It is definitely helping my overall cycling.

PM Workout

Back to the P90X+ routines. Today was Total Body Plus. I am definitely losing some strength. By, for the most part, being completely off P90X workouts, I can definitely tell the difference.

The pull-ups and push-ups were tough, I wasn’t lifting as much weight and everything just felt uncomfortable. I guess this is to be expected, but I really didn’t foresee this much of a difference. I went pretty light. I am sure I will bounce back fairly quickly.


Calories – 2400

Carbs – 270g (51%)
Protein – 180g (34%)
Fat – 77g (15%)

In good health,

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