Thursday, May 21, 2009

Double The Pleasure

Ah, another double workout. One solo and one with Thing2. I was planning on going for an all out 20 mile ride, but how could I refuse the “please” of a two year old. My legs feel halfway decent. I am glad I didn’t go all out on plyo yesterday. Today was definitely a tough one. The weather is heating up. Hopefully it stays that way so I can get some open water swimming in sometime soon.

AM Workout

45 minutes of straight laps.

I started off somewhat slow and then picked up the pace. About 10 minutes into it, I got into a real nice groove and the time started to fly by. My shoulders felt great, as did my stroke. My swimming is improving.

The one thing that always is in the back of my mind is if I should be bilateral breathing. It has never worked out for me and I seem to do best breathing out of one side. I hope to one day enroll in a total immersion swimming camp.

PM Workout

20 miles on the bike…with thing 2 as my copilot.

All I can say is it is what it is. Sometimes you need to step out of the box. I went as hard as I could without putting my passenger in danger. It was a better than average ride. It is nice to incorporate the family into my triathlon training. I never want to be someone who puts training before family. It just wouldn’t be fair to them.


Calories – 2400

Carbs – 207g (50%)
Protein – 133g (32%)
Fat – 74g (18%)

In good health,

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