Thursday, May 28, 2009

Time For Speed

I needed to switch thing around today due to weather and commitments for the rest of the week. I am feeling somewhat back to normal, but my sleep schedule has been all off. I need to start getting to bed early. Being on vacation has really thrown everything off.


3 mile run, speed intervals followed by Abs/Core Plus from the P90X+ routine.

The run felt good. No issues with the shins. I kept a nice easy pace. This is my last speed interval before my triathlons start. I feel like they served their purpose and I will make improvements with my running this season.

Abs/Core Plus was a little challenging today. My shoulders are kind of sore, so the hanging ab work was a little difficult today.


Calories – 2500

Carbs – 203g (44%)
Protein – 180g (39%)
Fat – 81g (17%)

In good health,

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