Sunday, May 3, 2009

The 10 Miler

Today’s run was just what I need. It really was my first chance to clear my head and that is exactly what it did. It was very peaceful. Later in the day was my daughters choir performance, which was great. I ended the day with a perfect meal created by my wife in celebration of my mom’s birthday.


10 mile run. Near perfect conditions. Legs were almost there. I would have to say they were at about 85%. This is fine considering the workouts I have during the week. I was really powering up the hills. My legs have definitely gained some strength over the off-season.

Distance - 10 miles
Time - 1:19:12
Pace - 7:55
Total Ascent - 1552 ft.
Total Descent - 1565 ft.


Is it wrong to love the extra carbs…

Calories – 2800

Carbs – 333g (62%)
Protein – 147g (28%)
Fat – 56g (10%)

In good health,

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