Monday, May 11, 2009

A Mothers Day Double

Mothers Day, my daughter’s soccer game and dinner my folks. How would I possibly fit in a double workout? I made it work, but I was a little for dinner by my parents house. I also had to skip out on my daughters soccer game at halftime, the wife took over. Wouldn’t you know it, the one time I am not there and she scores two goals. Hopefully she has a few more in her.

AM Workout

My morning workout was Core Synergistics taken from the P90X routine. This is one of my favorites. It hits everything with an emphasis on the core. It has been a few weeks since I did this one and it showed. Knowing I was going to be on the bike for over two and a half hours later, I didn’t go all out during this workout.

PM Workout

50 miles on the bike. This was not a triathlon training ride, it was more geared toward my century in September. I wanted to keep a nice 18 – 19 mph pace. I finished at 18.4 miles per hour.

The route was a combination of streets, paved trail and crushed limestone. There were not a lot of straight-aways. It is a decent route and I will definitely do it again.

My legs started tightening up around mile 30. I expected this with my previous days workouts.


Calories – 2600

Carbs – 331g (57%)
Protein – 165g (38%)
Fat – 85g (15%)

In good health,

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