Friday, May 29, 2009

Lift And Bike

Another double day and I pretty much went back to back on these. Maybe not the smartest move, but I had to use the time given to me.

AM Workout

P90X+ routines. Upper Body Plus followed by Abs/Core Plus. Check out my previous blogs for details on the workouts.

I went out pretty hard on this workout. Lots of push-ups and a good amount of pull-ups. I also hit the arms pretty hard. My strength training is winding down with my races coming up. I will probably go pretty heavy next week

PM Workout

90 minutes on the bike.

Nothing special here. I just wanted to get some time in the saddle. I hit the trails with a friend and we had some good clean riding. I had a few straight-aways where I had the speed up at 24mph. My legs felt strong throughout the ride.


Calories – 2900

Carbs – 291g (53%)
Protein – 170g (32%)
Fat – 84g (15%)

In good health,

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