Friday, May 1, 2009


I think I may have done something to my shoulder. During my workout, I noticed a crunching sound while doing shoulder presses with my right arm. I will need to keep an eye on this. There is no pain, which is good. In triathlon, believe it or not, the shoulder comes into play. That was my attempt at a joke.


Today was my kettlebell routine followed by Ab Ripper X from P90X. Another tough workout with the kb. I have to say, even though the kettlebell is only 35 lbs., the moves are hard. You really work your butt off. Halfway thru, I felt like my biceps were tearing.

I don’t know how this will benefit me in triathlon, but I love these workouts.


I have definitely been feeling stronger with the added carbs.

Calories – 2900

Carbs – 351g (60%)
Protein – 150g (29%)
Fat – 80g (11%)

In good health,

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