Thursday, April 30, 2009

Where Is My Mind

I am still trying to get my mind right. Today was tough. The workouts help, but I am still not my normal self. I really have had to force myself to workout. We will see how things play out over the next week.

Today was another triathlon specific workout.

AM Workout

This morning’s workout was a nice and easy 5k. I kept it at an 8 minute mile pace. My legs felt a little heavy, but not as bad as I was suspecting. I thing the added carbs are helping in my muscle recovery.

PM Workout

For the bike, I went with a Spinervals workout. Good old Sweating Buckets was my choice. It is about an hour of high quality spinning. I worked my butt off on this one. I cranked up the tension on the trainer and had at it. My cadence on several of the intervals was over 140.

I might have to do this one again next week!


I am really pushing the carbs. I will keep an eye on my weight to make sure I am not doing too much damage.

Calories – 2900

Carbs – 369g (60%)
Protein – 177g (29%)
Fat – 67g (11%)

In good health,

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