Sunday, April 12, 2009

Getting Better

Like I said yesterday, this is going to be a quick post. My body is feeling the pain of that 30/15 workout and also the 8-mile hilly run. On a positive note, my cold is on its way out. Today’s workout was going to push me.


2 hours of biking and it would all be hills. The weather was not the best. It was about 50 degrees and windy. I was able to deal with it. My speed was not the best, but given the conditions, I really wasn’t concerned.

About halfway through the ride I came across a puddle I thought I would be able to get through. Wrong. I completely soaked my feet. I thought they would eventually dry off, but never did. Once I hit an hour and a half into the ride, my toes were freezing. For once in my life I used better judgment and cut my ride short. I still got a hell of a ride in.


Calories – 2800

Carbs – 368g (%)
Protein – 154g (%)
Fat – 97g (%)

In good health,

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