Friday, April 17, 2009

Core Strength

I woke up today feeling very fresh. My body feels rejuvenated and the only thing that I am concerned about is a slight pain on the inside of my shin. I have had shin splints in the past, so I will need to keep an eye on this one.


Today was Core Synergistics from the P90X workout. This is truly a great fit into any endurance athlete’s routine. For me, it fits perfect into my triathlon training schedule.

Core hits everything. Yet, it is not a workout that is going to make you extremely sore. This is the workout I use when it gets closer to my races. When I want a little bit of strength training, but I don’t want to go overboard.

I felt strong today. I would rate the workout above average. I easily could have pushed it, but I really wanted to take it back a notch and let my body recover as much as possible from the previous 3 weeks.


My diet has been steady. No complaints. Except for the fact there is Ben and Jerry’s ice cream cake left over from Easter. Somebody needs to finish it.

That somebody might be me…

Calories – 2300

Carbs – 230g (50%)
Protein – 152g (33%)
Fat – 80g (17%)

In good health,

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