Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Same

I am still feeling under the weather. I am pushing through the workouts and they really have not been suffering too badly. I have my first race coming up in a little over a week and my first triathlon in about 3 months. My training is right where it needs to be.


Today was Just Arms and Killer Abs. Both of these workouts are taken from Tony’s 1-on-1 series. You are looking at about 60 minutes of total workout time. Once again, I added some shoulder exercises to the workout to make it a total shoulder and arms routine.

I really wanted to push myself for this workout, but I decided against it. With being under the weather, it wouldn’t have been the smartest move. Instead I kept everything the same as my previous workout.

Abs went smooth. I have one more Killer Abs routine before switching it up.


Calories – 2500

Carbs – 258g (48%)
Protein – 189g (35%)
Fat – 96g (17%)

In good health,

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