Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Speed Day

I am feeling a little recharged after a nice stretch day. My chest soreness is slowly going away and my legs are feeling a little looser. This is the last week before the mother-in-law leaves. This means I am subject to random attacks by the kids during my workouts. I am also a bout a week out from my first race of the season. It is only a 5k, but I’ll still use it as a gauge for where my conditioning is at. 5k’s are tough for me. I am a runner who needs a little warming up. It usually takes me about 3 miles just to get into a good rhythm. That’s one thing I like about triathlon. You are already warmed up by the time you get to the run.


It was good old speed intervals today. 3 miles total. My pace was set at 8-minute miles. My intervals would be 1 minute at a 7-minute mile pace.

The workout was great. My legs were a little heavy in the beginning. By they time they were loose, I was just about done. Oh well.

My intervals were 1 minute on and 2 minutes off. It was a very comfortable run. I never felt I was pushing too hard. It was perfect for this point in the season.

I truly feel that the P90X plyo workout has been instrumental with the increased intensity in my runs.


I am not sure what to do about my food intake right now. With all the added cardio, I find myself craving carbs more. My appetite is also getting bigger. I will probably keep my same eating schedule for the rest of the week and then switch it up come Monday.

Calories – 2500

Carbs – 243g (53%)
Protein – 162g (36%)
Fat – 50g (11%)

In good health,

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